Need to store media files, IBM Cloud Object is your best bet
November 25, 2020

Need to store media files, IBM Cloud Object is your best bet

Alabi Temitope | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with IBM Cloud Object Storage

We use it during development of web and mobile solutions for clients to handle media and file storage. Its being used mainly by the whole organisation because during testing of application other department help us it in testing and they interact with file upload which is most times implemented under the hood with IBM Cloud Object Storage. It helps to efficiently eradicate tedious experience I have in past for file upload and retrieval which I am given a public url and private url to have live access to the file. I use it in projects for storing prospective users and returning users images, supporting documents which often is in doc format or pdf format. It also provide helper function for multiple file upload.


  • Multiple file upload helper
  • Ability to store any file extension
  • Rich documentation to assist in implementation of IBM Cloud Object Storage
  • Updated Sample Code for implemention in Major programming language


  • In terms of large file size, it takes time upload the file, though i saw a feature which i can use to compress the file size
  • Percentage completion for file upload maybe a socket connection to have real time access to file upload
  • There is highly reduce video tutorial content of IBM Cloud Object Storage on youtube or Udemy. It will be more easy to integrate if there is
  • Its cheaper compare to what others charges because I was not initially charge until the firm I work with there data exceed the free zone so I had enough objects to add and delete
  • There is not much developers that is familiar with IBM Cloud storage due to its reduce learning system available online which he just have to go through the documentation not going through youtube videos which most of us like doing. So extra time has to be allocated if a new developer come onboard in order to first learn how IBM Cloud [Object] Storage work
  • Its a bit difficult to find IBM Cloud Developer
I can testify its fast to upload using IBM Cloud [Object] Storage because I have tried to upload multiple images and multiple pdf files and I got the url to view he files in few seconds. The rate of failure on sluggish network which i often experience in my locality is not often affected by the storage.
It helps a lot to avoid dispute between our company and our clients which we develop both web and mobile application for. We often show them the storage class you have and while some confess that the features are nice which is more transparent than competitors which has assist us to gain more clients
I have made use of IBM Cloudant which i have use to store record which is NOSQL database. Also, make use IBM Cloud Foundry to host ReactJs( Single Page Application) and static web page . I have also make use of toolchain which i use to implement continuous integration when i upload the static web page. I have not had regret i made use of this features. I have also make us of Watson assistant for convulutional chat.
It helps to improve efficiency and easy code debugging since we know major third party packages is from the same source which is IBM. It reduce work pressure in long time when a new developer join my team because with time he will be comfortable interacting with major IBM services through the console or terminal.
Well suited for file upload especially with NodeJs environment then am yet to see sample code on Go language for IBM Cloud Object Storage implementation. I think it takes so much time when I want to upload media file on it likes of mp4 format. I will like to try it on real timevideo sharing but I will try this out soon and give a review

IBM Cloud Object Storage Feature Ratings

Service-level Agreement (SLA) uptime
Dynamic scaling
Elastic load balancing
Monitoring tools
Security controls


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