Unless you LOVE shuffling paper and data entry, you need iApplicants!
Updated April 09, 2015

Unless you LOVE shuffling paper and data entry, you need iApplicants!

Connie Hurt | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Modules Used

  • Company Job Board and Community Job Board (Multi-Employer)

Overall Satisfaction with iApplicants

We use iApplicants office-wide for our own recruiting. HR posts and pre-screens applicants, adding a status code for candidates hiring managers need to review. Hiring managers log in, add their own notes and status codes to communicate next steps to HR. This process continues with multiple phases we have built into our recruiting process. It eliminated hundreds of emails, paper copies of resumes, and allows us to communicate quickly back to applicants via the built-in email tools.

We also implemented a community hospitality job board about 4 years ago since our mission is to promote economic development. iApplicants will set up employer accounts for us under our 'umbrella' job board, but they also were also very accommodating to allow me to set them up myself if the need arises. iApplicants has been very responsive and accommodating to every request I've ever made of them in the 8 years I've been a customer -- one of THE BEST vendors I've ever worked with.


  • Innovation - iApplicants partners with other related businesses and develops tools to streamline processes. Their integration makes sense - e.g. integrated background checks or HR software integration.
  • Responsiveness - I don't think I've ever had a response that was beyond 24 hours of my request.
  • Training and Updates - The dashboard offers tutorials at your fingertips. Updates/announcements are displayed upon logging in. I appreciate having it there as a constant reminder, but without getting a lot of email notices that clutter my inbox.
  • Customization - I love that we can brand the application for a professional recruiting "portal" and add additional details about our company. Additional customizations are accessible to me as an end user via the GUI, so I don't have to make a request for everything.
  • The application is long enough to deter job hunters who are "click-happy" and apply to every job they come across - applications that allow job hunters to store their resume in the system and click to apply generated hundreds of unqualified people who were desperate for anything and didn't even read the job description. On the reverse side of the spectrum (particularly government systems), I've seen (experienced) online submissions that were so long and tedious and could take hours to complete online. While some fields are mandatory in the application, iApplicants doesn't require a candidiate to essentially re-key every piece of their resume into sections of an online form.


  • They provided the various reports I needed, so I'm satisfied - they gave me what I needed quickly and didn't charge anything for customizing a couple of reports for me. If I were a larger organization or had more reporting needs, I think I'd want more flexibility to build them myself. (They may have report-builder tools that I'm not aware of since I haven't had the need for them, though.)
  • I'm not sure if it's within their control, but screening questions are supposed to be required for an applicant to submit their application. Some applicants manage to submit without completing them.
  • Allow candidates to attach multiple electronic files (3-4) in addition to their resume. Cover letters, writing samples, portfolios, etc. are helpful tools to obtain from a candidate during the application process rather than requesting in email later.
  • Dramatically increased employee efficiency. Before we moved to iApplicants, I had to track candidates through EACH phase of the recruiting process (even all of the people who had no business applying in the first place!) I had to send screening questions to candidates with potential, log their email responses, send notifications manually.
  • Our HR staff is able to serve our internal stakeholders significantly. We're able to collaborate with hiring managers and upper management, provide status updates with just a few clicks, and provide better screening by re-aligning on criteria after the first batch of applicants arrives. Sometimes we have to be more lenient, other times more flexible, depending on what the response rate is to the job post.
  • iApplicants significantly enhanced our ability to move candidates through the recruiting process quickly and effectively.
We didn't look any further. It was the right price, had all of the tools we were looking for, and was incredibly simple to launch. My search was a random act of frustration as I was dealing with recruiting for a position that had generated over 300 applicants and I stumbled upon iApplicants. If you can't tell, I'm a huge fan -- have been since day-1.
I think the product is well-scaled to work in both large and small companies. I'm often amazed when I learn of major organizations that are still shuffling paper or sitting on applications until they sort through all of them at once. This product allows HR to organize candidates as they submit applications and EASILY notify people (en masse) once they're out of consideration (instead of no response at all, which generates a lot of follow-up phone calls.) From the module to send emails, we simply choose the job we're sending notifications for, create a message (or use a template we've pre-built), filter candidates by the code for rejected applicants, check the box next to the candidate name, and click send. Not only is the process so easy, but the message/communication to the applicant is saved in the system (as is all communication sent out via the system.) We then archive the candidates so they're not cluttering the viable candidate lists.

iApplicants Feature Ratings

Job Requisition Management
Not Rated
Company Website Posting
Publish to Social Media
Job Search Site Posting
Customized Application Form
Resume Management
Duplicate Candidate Prevention
Candidate Search
Applicant Tracking
Task Creation and Delegation
Email Templates
User Permissions
Notifications and Alerts

Using iApplicants

8 - HR is the primary user -- we set up the job postings and do the cross-posting to Craigslist. Once it's posted, both HR and all hiring supervisors across all departments use the product. Even users who only use it occasionally when there's a vacancy in their division find it easy to use-we just review the status coding system we've set up to collaborate on next steps. The business functions they represent are executive management, Sales, Marketing, HR, Operations, IT, and Customer Service.
We have 2 staff trained in a higher level of detail for using the system, but in terms of in-house "support," there is no need. We can submit a ticket online or email iApplicant's support team and generally have a same-day response. In the case of setting up new employers in our community job board created by iApplicants, we have two people with clear step-by-step details.
  • Job posting / social media integration - advertising the position
  • Applicant management - it's not just a tool to generate a lot of resumes that then have to be read and further clarified for qualifications for the position.
  • Background/screening - Managed through the system instead of a separate process.
  • Community collaboration
  • Documentation - easy retrieval of resume and applicant information for setting up a personnel file once an offer is made.
  • Community job board allows us to offer the ability to community partners in the hospitality industry to post jobs. It also links jobs we post to our COMPANY job board into the community board. (www.durhamhospitalityjobs.com)
  • Recruitment for volunteers
  • I wasn't expecting the email notification system to work so well. I love that it saves the communication sent right in the applicant's online record.
  • Prior to using iApplicants, I had to manually track applicants--how many had passed through a series of steps in our recruiting process, including all of the initial applications we received that weren't qualified at all. iApplicants set up a custom report that automatically tracks total applicants, and the count of candidates who have completed each stage. We just use specific key words in the notes line and the report summarizes it by date and/or position.
  • I'm planning more cross-posting of our job board to other community websites (City, Chamber, etc.)
  • I'm toying with how to use it to facilitate an internship process between employers and students from local universities.
  • iApplicants has the ability to allow job-seekers to submit a resume without applying for a specific job and keep it in the system for 6 months, so employers can search for potential candidates. This will require facilitating training and demonstrating ROI so both candidates and employers see the advantage to participating in the exchange this way.
  • They can enable the system to allow a candidate to append their initial application, but I think they said it requires candidates to create a profile or login. I like the idea of being able to edit an existing application, but not sure I want to make it more complicated than it is right now.
iApplicants provides a professional, branded web interface for our recruiting efforts. As a small company (20-25 employees), that's not something we could have allocated resources for, based on our recruiting volume/frequency. However, it was incredibly easy to adopt and was a major productivity boost immediately. It not only saved us time in HR, but streamlined the collaboration process as we worked with the hiring manager to determine how to move candidates through the process. No longer did I have to keep track of a flurry of emails and dig through them to find the information I needed. We set up a series of status codes to toggle a candidate back and forth between staff -- it's always clear whose court the next step is in.


Depending on the response rate, the list of applicants can become a little cluttered, so we regularly go ahead and send 'regrets' to candidates who clearly didn't meet the criteria and archive them, so it's easier to manage. It's easy to filter the list by the appropriate status code and email all of them at once via a template we built in the system.

iApplicants Implementation

It was very easy. We didn't experience any 'gotchas.'
Change management was minimal
  • Aligning on status codes -- making sure all staff using the system knew which codes to filter by based on what their role in the hiring process was. We just toggle candidates back and forth to communicate where we're at with each phase.

iApplicants Training

  • Online training
  • Self-taught
I thought the training was well structured and the demos well-paced. Topics are set up sequentially so one can watch each one and build on previous tutorials. However, they are broken down into segments so a user can hone in on just a specific area where help is needed and not waste time on other topics s/he may already know.

I also like the fact that the tutorials are available on the home page of the admin login, so we don't have to hunt for topics in a huge "knowledgebase." It's easy to get a quick refresher when needed (or when ready to try out something a little more advanced) and apply it immediately.
The product is very intuitive, so someone could pick it up without going through the full training series. However, I recommend watching at least the overview demo. Things like setting up templates and sending emails from the system should be well-understood before you send an email blast to external recipients.

iApplicants Support

Responses are always within 24 hours. They don't nickel and dime for everything we request. I like that they understand the request and we're not caught in a flurry of emails or failed attempts. Customizations, when needed by the vendor, have been at no charge. Most modifications can be made from my administrative panel. Everyone I've dealt with at iApplicants has been positive -- there seems to be a great sense of ownership across all staff there.
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
No - The support that is provided through our basic subscription to iApplicants is superb. I think I've only had one question urgent enough to pick up the phone and call because someone on their team gets back to me quickly when I submit a request by email or through their site. I don't know of any support I'd suggest that I'm not getting already.
When I approached iApplicants with an idea for sharing our job board, they immediately leaped into action. They provided examples of other applications that demonstrated what they could do. Most companies don't want to allow users access to the "back end" where things may be a little more complicated, but when I mentioned that I'd like to set up employers myself in our community job board, they provided detailed step-by-step instructions in a document, complete with pictures and highlights to areas that I needed to pay careful attention to in order to avoid configuration issues. Since our job board is limited to only employers in our community and only the hospitality industry, they also forward requests for employee accounts that come in through the site itself, so that we can approve who gets an account before they're set up.

Using iApplicants

iApplicants is rare -- they offer both a great company (service, innovation, and ongoing development) with a product that really focuses on the needs of its users. It provides the basis for HR/legal reporting. It's easy to use, just logging in for the first time, so even my not-so-tech-savvy managers love it.
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • Job posting/integration with other job boards
  • Email/correspondence
  • Archiving - keep track of people who applied without cluttering the active process.
  • When I copy and paste job requirements into the system, I sometimes have issues with fonts, spacing (e.g. bulleting). They offer an RTF editor, but I think the HTML behind it isn't always cooperating with what I'm trying to do.
  • If we have a LOT of applicants that we've sent regret notices to, we have to click the link to archive each individual applicant. It would be nice to have a button to archive everyone who had a certain status code or who was tagged to receive an email.

iApplicants Reliability

At the very basic level, it provides a place to post jobs and cross-post to free job boards. It could just be used by HR staff. However, it's more than just another place to post if one opts to utilize the full functionality-- it's an applicant management system that allows a user to pre-screen, organize, and collaborate on candidates with other users. They've added built-in background checks, reporting tools, community boards, integrated with larger/broader paid marketing opportunities, and affirmative action programs.
I've used this product consistently for 8 years now. In that time, I've seen ONE time that they had a technical glitch -- and THEY were all over it. The only reason I even knew about it was an email alert they sent out to all clients, explaining the issue. They also had it fixed the same day.
It works. It's easy for everyone I've shared it with -- even my not-so-tech-savvy staff. When I hired a coordinator to handle routine HR duties, this was a simple transition to hand off to someone else without a lot of training. Sometimes it's a little slow downloading documents (resumes) from the site, but that could be a combination of issues that may not be related to their product. At one time, it wasn't able to accommodate newer Word documents (.doc vs. .docx), but they fixed that, as well.


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