Great for Developers and SEOs
May 31, 2019

Great for Developers and SEOs

Scott Walker | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Google Mobile-Friendly Test

As a marketing agency, we use the Google Mobile-Friendly Test multiple times throughout our process. First, we record the current site's scores before updating or replacing the website. Then, we check-test the mobile-friendliness after launching the new site, giving us a benchmark measurement as well as a "hit list" of things to update. Mobile-friendliness is extremely important to UX and SEO, so we make sure our client's sites are mobile ready.


  • The test gives you an option to test a live website or a chunk of code. This way your test your site code, even if your website is still in development.
  • The instant "green for good" is easy to see and explain.
  • The list of "page loading errors" gives you a nice explanation of loading issues that don't necessarily affect the site visibly, but are still slowing it down. This gives you a "hit list" of things to fix or look into.


  • Google's suggestions are sometimes vague or unhelpful.
  • The test doesn't offer multiple screen sizes or shapes. Though this isn't a huge issue, it would be nice to make sure a site using media queries stays mobile friendly throughout size changes
  • The impact isn't necessarily measurable. I would compare it to asking a carpenter how much ROI a hammer provides when building a house. Google Mobile-Friendly Test is a free tool that is useful for website analysis and testing.
PageSpeed Insights offers similar (though far more technical) insights for developing websites and testing their mobile performance. There's also a Mobile Friendliness measurement in the new Google Search Console. These tools all work together and are all useful when measuring your website or developing a new one. I'm sure there are many other mobile-friendliness testing tools out there, but I've only used these Google products.
It is a single-use tool: it tests mobile usability of a website or code snippet. This is useful before, during, and after the development process. So, if you are developing a website, then the mobile-friendliness tool is a necessity. Its also useful (in conjunction with Page Speed Insights and Search Console) in developing a full idea of site performance and how it relates to SEO.

Google Mobile-Friendly Test Feature Ratings

Page grader
Site audit / diagnostics
Mobile SEO
Multi-domain support

Using Google Mobile-Friendly Test

Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using


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