Let's Hangout!
Updated September 20, 2019

Let's Hangout!

Janene Buck | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Google Hangouts

Google Hangouts is one of those programs that I said to myself "how did I live without this"? It has saved me so much time not having to go search for the person I have questions for...I can just send them a chat and they can answer almost immediately. Chatting reminds me of texting, basically the same thing. There have been times that I have gone searching for an employee with a question for several minutes. Those minutes on some days are very valuable. Anything that helps myself and the staff be more efficient is a business need in my book.


  • Google Hangouts is a great way to save time and be more efficient. Before our company started using it I would spend several minutes several times a day searching for an employee that I had a question for. With Google Hangouts it takes a matter of seconds to send them a "chat" and a few seconds to get the response back. Valuable time is saved.
  • I also really love the group chat option and use that regularly as well. When developing a marketing campaign for one of our clients there are many steps and questions along the way. This allows me to send a group chat to all that are on the team to find out what step they are on and when completion can be expected.
  • I also really like that I get notifications when I get a chat. I don't always have my email open so that I would know when someone sent me a message, but Google Hangouts will flash a senders name on the email tab letting me know that I have a chat waiting to be read. Very good feature.


  • When sending group chats or responding to group chats there are times when one or more of those people in the group do not need to be included later in the chatting session and I still have not figured out how to drop someone from the chat.
  • As previously stated one of the pros is that it gives you notification on the upper tab when you have a chat waiting, but sometimes it doesn't do the notification or it doesn't "pop" until I go to the tab. This is only sometimes so not sure what would cause this.
  • I am not involved in the ROI portion. I am strictly a user and I manage some employees that are users.
Google Hangouts is easy, fun, and efficient. Any business that needs a lot of communication with their staff really should use this.
Chatting with one another in Google Hangouts reminds me of texting. Very similar. Messages are in real time and immediate, which is great. However also like texting there is no voice inflection so often times messages can be misconstrued, although the emoji's are awesome!!!

Google Hangouts (Classic) Feature Ratings

Hosted PBX
Not Rated
Multi-level Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
Not Rated
User templates
Not Rated
Call reports
Directory of employee names
Answering rules
Not Rated
Call recording
Call park
Not Rated
Call screening
Not Rated
Message alerts
Video conferencing
Audio conferencing
Mobile app for iOS
Mobile app for Android


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