Review on Google Analytics from an analyst's perspective
September 16, 2019

Review on Google Analytics from an analyst's perspective

Jonghee Jo | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version

Google Analytics

Overall Satisfaction with Google Analytics

Google Analytics is being used mainly in the Digital Analytics organization. We are using Google Analytics to report and analyze website traffic and conversion data. Also, we are using Google Analytics to inspect bot traffic patterns.


  • Visualizing traffic patterns.
  • Showing website data in an organized way.
  • Very easy installation.


  • It is missing drag-and-drop-type data analysis functionality.
  • Its tagging structure is not very sophisticated.
  • It does not provide in-depth technical support from Google.
  • Google Analytics helped us to get quick data on smaller projects.
  • Google Analytics does not require dedicated IT support, so it helps to achieve a higher ROI.
  • Google Analytics is easy to learn, so it helps to reduce training expense.
Google Analytics is free and easy to implement, so we use Google Analytics in smaller projects that have a limited analytics budget. However, Google Analytics has a relatively limited analytics capacity compared to Adobe Analytics so it is not being used for large-scale projects.
Google Analytics does not have a dedicated Support team. We had to use 3rd-party companies for Google Analytics technical support. However, we understand the support issue since we are not paying any money for support.

Do you think Google Analytics delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with Google Analytics's feature set?


Did Google Analytics live up to sales and marketing promises?


Did implementation of Google Analytics go as expected?


Would you buy Google Analytics again?


Google Analytics is more suitable for small and medium-sized companies with a limited analytics budget. It can be very easily installed and managed with little IT support. Large companies (Like Fortune 500 size) would be better using a more robust solution like Adobe Analytics.


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