A Fantastic Find: My Review of GitGuardian Internal Monitoring
December 28, 2022

A Fantastic Find: My Review of GitGuardian Internal Monitoring

Michael Getu | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with GitGuardian Internal Monitoring

At our organization, we use GitGuardian Internal Monitoring to monitor
our source code for any sensitive data that may have been accidentally
committed. This helps us ensure that we are compliant with various
regulations and standards, such as GDPR, PCI DSS, and HIPAA. The product
allows us to set up custom rules and alerts to notify us when any
sensitive information is detected in our code. We also use the product
to detect any malicious activity or suspicious commits that could
potentially compromise our security. The scope of our use case
encompasses all of our repositories and projects, making sure that all
of our code is properly monitored and secure.


  • Secrete Incidence
  • Analytics
  • Real-time Alerts
  • Data Analysis


  • Improved user interface: It would be beneficial to have a more intuitive and user-friendly interface for Internal Monitoring on GitGuardian. This would make it easier for users to quickly access the data they need and understand the results of their scans.
  • Automated alerts: It would be helpful to have automated alerts when certain conditions are met, such as when a scan reveals sensitive data or when a new repository is created. This would help users stay informed and take action in a timely manner.
  • More detailed reports: Currently, Internal Monitoring reports are limited in terms of the depth of information they provide. It would be useful to have more detailed reports that include additional metrics, such as the number of repositories scanned and the types of sensitive data found.
  • Faster scan times: Scan times can be slow at times, making it difficult to stay on top of changes in repositories quickly. It would be beneficial to have faster scan times so that users can take action quickly when needed.
  • Automated Alerts: GitGuardian Internal Monitoring provides automated alerts for any suspicious activity, allowing for quick response and investigation.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: GitGuardian Internal Monitoring's real-time monitoring capabilities provide visibility into any changes made in your codebase, ensuring that no sensitive data is exposed.
  • Compliance & Security: GitGuardian Internal Monitoring helps ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations, as well as providing an additional layer of security to protect your organization from potential threats.
  • GitGuardian Internal Monitoring has had a positive impact on our overall business objectives. By providing visibility into our code repositories and alerting us to potential security risks, we have been able to identify and mitigate security issues before they become a problem. This has allowed us to focus more on developing our product and less on responding to security incidents. We have also seen an increase in customer confidence in our product as a result of using GitGuardian Internal Monitoring, which has led to increased customer loyalty and retention. Overall, the ROI of using GitGuardian Internal Monitoring has been very positive for our business.
  • We have seen an increase in the security of our codebase, as well as an improvement in the speed and accuracy of our code reviews. This has enabled us to quickly identify and address any potential security issues before they become a problem. Additionally, we have seen an increase in our ROI as a result of using GitGuardian Internal Monitoring, as it has allowed us to save time and money by preventing costly security breaches.
  • No more.
GitGuardian Internal
Monitoring offers a comprehensive suite of tools to monitor and protect
your organization's source code. It provides real-time visibility into
the security of your code, allowing you to quickly identify and address
potential vulnerabilities before they become a problem. Additionally, it
offers automated security scanning and alerting capabilities, ensuring
that any suspicious activity is quickly identified and addressed.
GitGuardian Internal Monitoring stands out from other solutions due
to its ability to detect potential security issues in real-time, rather
than relying on periodic scans. This allows for more timely detection of
potential vulnerabilities, which helps reduce the risk of data breaches
or other malicious activities.

Do you think GitGuardian Internal Monitoring delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with GitGuardian Internal Monitoring's feature set?


Did GitGuardian Internal Monitoring live up to sales and marketing promises?

I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process

Did implementation of GitGuardian Internal Monitoring go as expected?


Would you buy GitGuardian Internal Monitoring again?


GitGuardian Internal
Monitoring is well suited for scenarios where a company needs to monitor
their internal git repositories for any sensitive data that may have
been accidentally committed. This could include credit card numbers,
passwords, API keys, and other confidential information. It is also
useful for detecting malicious commits such as backdoors or malware.
GitGuardian Internal Monitoring is less appropriate for scenarios
where a company does not need to monitor their internal git repositories
for any sensitive data or malicious commits. For example, if a company
does not have any confidential information stored in their repositories
or does not need to detect malicious code, then GitGuardian Internal
Monitoring may not be the best solution.


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