Git: Version control for the future
December 17, 2018

Git: Version control for the future

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Git

We use Git to manage a truly massive code base. Every developer is added to our enterprise GitHub server and is expected to use it when writing and reviewing code. The problems we try to address with Git include version control and cross team review.


  • Code management. This allows us as a team to manage unique code bases for each employee with little to no overhead.
  • Code backup and versioning. Git truly has the most rebust and reliable code versioning system in the industry.
  • Handling large amounts of unique data from a variety of teams. We sometimes have to work across teams and across organizations when writing and testing code; Git allows us to do this even when developers are on the other side of the world.


  • There is a serious lack of GUI clients for Git.
  • The command line version of Git is often obtuse and confusing to use.
  • When something goes wrong in Git, it often does so spectacularly. We spend a lot of man hours cleaning up Git-created messes.
  • We've been able to reduce IT costs dramatically.
  • It has allowed us to manage a code base that would be too large for any other tool.
Git is by far the best version control system out there. It's open source, free, and fast. No other version control system I've ever used has had all three features.
Git is super well suited to environments populated by engineers and developers. Git is useful for tracking changes across many people and teams. An environment that Git is not optimal for is management or marketing. Git does not work well with art or promotional materials. The complexity of the tool makes it ill suited for non tech fields.


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