A stable dialler and telecom solution for over 15 years
Updated October 27, 2018

A stable dialler and telecom solution for over 15 years

Ruud Reinold | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Genesys Engage (formerly PureEngage)

I've been working with the Genesys PureConnect product and dialler in our organisation as well previous organisations. Our whole UK organisation is moving toward this platform. We use the dialler integrated with Genesys Latitude for debt collection. The product offers scalability and is feature rich and can benefit our organisation on a wider scale, offering a stable platform.


  • Optional features that can be enabled
  • Disaster save using different locations for the PBX servers in a WAN / LAN setup
  • The solution can grow and shrink with the size of the organisation.
  • The solution seemless integrates with our Latitude platform.
  • Secure IVR integration.


  • The integrated Analyser is not very good and to manual to tune and maintain.
  • The workforce management should integrate better with the outbound dialler.
  • Integration with more and different CRM systems
  • More out of the box plug-ins for Workforce Management systems.
  • We can replace our 3rd party web chat with the platform integrated one
  • We can use the integrated survey system to replace the 3rd party one we use now
I have not yet come across an area where the product didn't suit our needs other than the analyser and WFM parts. In all other areas we use the product and are looking to extend the integration between the several other products we use or to replace 3rd party features with the integrated ones from the system.

Genesys PureConnect (discontinued) Feature Ratings

Agent dashboard
Call forwarding
Click-to-call (CTC)
Warm transfer
Predictive dialing
Interactive voice response
Call scripts
Call tracking
Multichannel integration
CRM software integration
Inbound call routing
Omnichannel inbound routing
Quality management
Call analytics
Historical reporting

Using Genesys Engage (formerly PureEngage)

300 - Collection Agents, Team leaders, Back Office, developers, technical support, directors, pa’s.

Basically all within the company.
1 - A trains and certified technician is preferred to support a VAR.
When you’re a direct customer you’re required to have 2 certified FTE engineers and preferred to have 1 certified developer
For dialler a separate certificate is required but this can be one of the engineers.
  • Outbound dialling of campaigns with segmentation of targetes by campaign types, time of day and period of the week and month.
  • Inbound call handling. The system is used in a blended way, therefore call volumes on inbound queues will throttle the outbound campaigns.
  • Secure automated payments using the integrated solution will reduce per payment cost that other solutions have and is majorly less expensive then 3rd party solutions.
  • Integrated with the Latitude debt collection platform (also Genesys owned) and the ability of linking diallers scripting directly with Latitude accounts.
  • Originally we were looking for a 3rd party secure payment option to get PCI DSS compliant when we found out that there was an integrated solution available.
We are satisfied with the platform as a whole and not looking to replace.

Evaluating Genesys Engage (formerly PureEngage) and Competitors

No - We are using the system for over 18 years and it’s very stable and feature rich, no need to look at anything else.
  • Product Features
  • Prior Experience with the Product
  • Analyst Reports
Most importantly is stability and low outage rates.
We are sure we used the right process 18 years ago. The fact that we are today still using the platform is proof of that.

Genesys Engage (formerly PureEngage) Implementation

You have to be sure that you choose the right reseller & vendor who can work seemles as one team.
  • Implemented in-house
Original the system was installed by a reseller which no longer exists . We Used their expertise and support. These days we have support from a new reseller (Acrinax) who provides us with first class support and assist with additional projects and development when required.
Yes - We installed the new system and then moved team by team onto the new platform what took about a week.

Now, 18 years later, we have three different sites, our servers, telecom end-points and media processing equipment are in a data-centre connected by dual MPLS links.
Change management was a small part of the implementation and was well-handled - That testing is a very important part of a new implementation to ensure all functionality is working.
  • The diallers agent interface was new and required some adjusting.
  • Implementing upgrades requires the same amount of testing to ensure that things don’t break in between versions.

Genesys Engage (formerly PureEngage) Training

  • Online training
  • In-person training
  • Self-taught
I’ve received on several occasions training from Genesys (and previously Interactive Intelligence). These are high value training courses but their quality is excellent and goes usually beyond the actual training creating long lasting connections between the attendees.
I’ve done a view online courses and the lecturers are very helpful and explain things in different ways if the first example isn’t clear enough. What is helpful to understand things better.
I would not recommend self training since the product is quite feature rich and the documentation is not always going into the level of detail that is required to understand the features.

I’ve followed the basic training courses for the core product and dialler as well handlers, what provided me with the right level of knowledge to keep up with the introduction of new features and technological changes in the product.

Configuring Genesys Engage (formerly PureEngage)

The system is very configurable through the standard GUI but additional behaviour can be added and changed through custom handlers, with which “you could launch a rocket if you wanted” one once said.
There is a large community platform where you can discuss challenges you have, there are user events and with the right reseller (ours is called Acrinax) you can be using other company experiences and expertises on implementations on features of the product without having to invent the wheel again.
Some - we have done small customizations to the interface - Quite easy and now the user interfaces are quite flexible in layout which reduces the need for modifications.
Yes - we have added extensive custom code - We use a custom written script for our dialler with integrated secure IVR to take payments and be PCI DSS compliant.
We’re looking into customising the webchat to a more corporate look and feel.

Genesys Engage (formerly PureEngage) Support

Some cases are resolved quickly others are taking longer and the reseller sometimes has to chase support several times and explain the issue seen several times. While being a direct customer before, I recognise this and it seems that when a case moves to another engineer they don’t read the previous case notes or don’t understand what has been done. This, from a customers perspective, slows down resolution times.
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
Immediate help available
Need to explain problems multiple times
Not Available - We are using a reseller and have a tailored agreement with them rather than with the Vendor directly.
Yes - We have reported several bugs and many were addressed quickly or were already addressed. Others are still pending. The higher value a business case you can add to a bug the sooner it’s picked up
We just upgraded to 2016 R2 and had major issues getting the dialler to work properly when they offered one of their support engineers to attend on-site and assist to resolve our issues. This was very helpful to us.

Using Genesys Engage (formerly PureEngage)

After working 18 years with the platform I would not like be changing the platform for another one. New features are implemented frequently improving overall customer satisfaction.
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Feel confident using
Slow to learn
  • Consult transfers, looking up colleagues and see their availability.
  • Listen in or to recordings and scoring call recordings which helps agents to get training in their weak areas and to ensure company wide quality.
  • Moving agents across campaigns in- or out-bound.
  • Implementing the right dialler rules can be a little tricky without the appropriate skills and experience.

Genesys Engage (formerly PureEngage) Reliability

Most issues we encountered are related to telecom providers or environmental (MPLS nd firewall) issues, not due to product problems.
Our system is a high availability setup and issues are mainly related to telecom, MPLS and firewall issues.
This is highly dependent on the solution in place, data links between sites and specifications of the underlying databases.

Under specified means poor performance. Correctly or over specified gives a satisfactory performance.

Integrating Genesys Engage (formerly PureEngage)

The integrations have evolved slowly over time when new functionality became available.
  • We use Latitude debt collection (also owned by Genesys)
  • Integrated with our Card Payment System
Our dialler depends on the integration for outbound calls. The integration has evolved over time and became more complex and was recently revised and simplified.
  • We’re not looking at integration with other platforms in near future
Not applicable.
  • API (e.g. SOAP or REST)
We use SOAP for our Card Payment System integration.
Do the due diligence right at the beginning and sign of with the requester on the requirements before starting the work on the integration so there is a correct expectation of what will be delivered.

Relationship with Genesys

There was a great relationship between the reseller, vendor and ourselves and the vendor did come back quickly on requests and provided demonstrations when requested.
Because we use the right reseller we had no issues post-sales with the vendor.
We use a reseller and all that was done by them. We’re quite happy with the proposal and the pricing.
Use a well rated reseller to take the pain off dealing directly with the Vendor since they have done it before and know what to look out for.

Upgrading Genesys Engage (formerly PureEngage)

Yes - We actually found a bug when upgrading so it was slightly delayed but overall the upgrade did go well except from some hardware issues that were not related to the product.
  • Fixing some long outstanding bugs that caused dialler issues.
  • Ability to use newer phones
  • Enable the use of secure IVR
  • Use of newest phones
  • Bug fixes (stability)
  • Use of latest features in agent application.
No - We always had a paid licensed system.


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