Genesys Cloud CX Review
September 29, 2023

Genesys Cloud CX Review

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with Genesys Cloud CX

I'm in charge of managing the Genesys Cloud. That means I support the call center entities. We have two separate call centers, so we use the division function. In Genesys Cloud CX, we have several IVRs, DADs, and different call treatments, and around 350 agents. Everything is called support. I'm in IT, I'm not on the business side, but I form the link between business requests and IT support to manage requests, regular changes, modifications, and adjustments, basically making sure we do everything to their liking on the IT side.


  • I'm delighted with the product. I love Genesys Cloud CX and discover new things every day. I think the platform is easy to use. There are a lot of things included—calls are recorded, and I can start a chat or email interaction. I have a lot of things available to me easily without having to add bits and pieces. The Cloud 3CX licence, I think that's what it's called, is what gives us access to do all sorts of things and handle all sorts of interactions.
  • I find it very refreshing. This is my seventh month on the Genesys platform. Before, I was on a Cisco platform, but I find Genesys much more seamless. It offers a lot of interesting functions and is much easier for me to manage.


  • I'm discovering people and permission, which is quite granular, and there are a lot of things to work on with people and permission, especially as we have two divisions. With divisions, it's important that our roles are very clear. One of the things I discovered was that can't respond for emails or chats is not 'division aware', which means you have to be careful. Then I asked around and saw that a fix was planned for Q4.
  • I really like the fact that you can go and ask questions, say: "This option is not division aware" and there's someone at Genesys who says: "Yes, we've already been told about it and we’ve made plans to adjust it." Even if today, I mean, 'people and permission', it's particular, you have to understand that, but as a solution, Genesys is constantly evolving.
  • If there are things that I find a little difficult, I can rely on my network, my integrator, and the people at Genesys to provide help quickly, and then also know that soon, someone will be planning to change it or update it or upgrade it.
  • That's a good question. I've been with the company for seven months. I don't know if there's been a huge impact on ROI or finances.
  • Now, in Genesys, I need a carrier that fits directly into Genesys. So, for us, that's going to cut the costs of having a traditional SBC with a traditional Telco. Genesys offers us that. You can't do that with another traditional telephone system. So one of the advantages, I think, for the dollar, is that I can bring my own carrier that fits directly into Genesys and eliminate the physical layer, so I can also play with my channels on that side. I can manage my telephone according to the times of year when the call centers are busier or less busy. From a financial point of view, that can be a positive thing.
  • In terms of return on investment, the company I work for had already been on Genesys PureConnect for years. So moving to PureCloud was a logical one because PureConnect was disappearing. I'm not sure if I have the answer, whether we've made savings or huge savings. One thing's for sure: ease of use, the whole customer experience aspect, the fact that we can chat and interact by email, these are things that weren't possible with the old versions. That's a positive thing.
As far as I'm concerned, the agent knowledge base is really managed a bit separately from Genesys. We have a portion of Genesys with Salesforce, so there's a knowledge base hidden there. On the other hand, there's no knowledge base. I'm not sure whether we're making full use of that part, but I'd really like to be able to talk to my partners in the business about it and say: "This is what we're capable of doing". Everything else, the G Cap, the user groups, I'm signing up for that. I'll see what it can do for me from a technical point of view. I think that user groups can be really interesting for partners of the business. If they don't have the time to travel to a conference like this at least once a month or to attend a conference where there are other customers like them, talking about their best practices and stuff like that, it would be really interesting.
I wasn't there when the company moved from PureConnect to PureCloud, but I heard that the integration went well. That was a big project for everyone, moving from the old to the new. Now I'm inheriting it, I'm managing the CX Cloud. But clearly, the integration required a lot of preparation. Of course, it required preparation, doing a review, all the IVRs, what they say, how they work, the agents. It used to be called a certain way, now it's called something else. So the whole transition is not to be taken lightly. But at the end of the day, when you say to yourself that you've got to go through a change that's still not easy, you've got to do it, you've got no choice, whether it's going from an old system that won't work anymore to something that works or, like us, moving from PureConnect to PureCloud. We must never neglect the importance of this, the level of detail, the level of professionalism that needs to be considered. You have to put the right players in place, make sure you have the right people in place, and above all, not forget the business users, the people in the business who know the call center and how to manage it. We SMEs often say: "Yes, it's going to be easy, we'll be able to operate like that". But you absolutely have to get in touch with the business people to make sure you're giving them exactly what they want.

Do you think Genesys Cloud CX delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with Genesys Cloud CX's feature set?


Did Genesys Cloud CX live up to sales and marketing promises?

I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process

Did implementation of Genesys Cloud CX go as expected?


Would you buy Genesys Cloud CX again?


I don't think it makes much sense to give Genesys to my business users, but it’s useful for people who aren't in the call center. In the telephone system, you always have people calling business users and call center users. If we were on an old phone system where everyone had a phone on their desk, we would move to Genesys. Maybe it's not a good idea to give Genesys to people in administration, finance, or reception. Perhaps that's not where Genesys works best.

For call centers, for example, it's perfect. What we did was provide telephones in Teams for people in business and admin. Then, the whole call center team went on Genesys. Obviously, everyone talks to each other via Teams anyway, and there are fewer and fewer phone conversations. Where I think it really stands out is in terms of the call center. It's wonderful, but I don't think it's worth having a license, not a top license for an administrative type user. What's more, over time, we're seeing that fewer and fewer interactions are taking place via calls. Not for the call center, of course. When business comes in, calls go through the call center, so it's vital to have these as voice conversations. But in administration, finance, or accounting, we don't really need to call each other anymore.

Genesys Cloud CX Feature Ratings

Agent dashboard
Not Rated
Validate callers
Not Rated
Outbound response
Not Rated
Call forwarding
Not Rated
Click-to-call (CTC)
Not Rated
Warm transfer
Not Rated
Predictive dialing
Not Rated
Interactive voice response
Not Rated
Not Rated
Call scripts
Not Rated
Call tracking
Not Rated
Multichannel integration
Not Rated
CRM software integration
Not Rated
Inbound call routing
Not Rated
Omnichannel inbound routing
Not Rated
Not Rated
Quality management
Not Rated
Call analytics
Not Rated
Historical reporting
Not Rated
Live reporting
Not Rated
Customer surveys
Not Rated
Customer interaction analytics
Not Rated


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