Feel the Pulse of your Clients
August 01, 2017

Feel the Pulse of your Clients

Vinny Poliseno | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Gainsight

We are currently really focused on using Gainsight within our Client Success division, they are our power users. However, since we are getting a lot of data ingested into data we push a lot of it back to the Account level of Saleforce (SFDC) as well for other users who have a SFDC license but not a Gainsight one can see daily usage data. This give a lot more visibility into the overall health of a client by the usage of the tool rather then pulse checking between the CSM and client.


  • Great way to really see if your clients are using the service you provide them.
  • Easily able to formalize an action plan to follow up with at risk clients before its too late to save them.
  • Just as easy to set up a thank campaign for clients who are using your service as intended and showing them value.
  • Access to their Vault to pull in already created templates to customize to our company liking.


  • It took a bit of time to figure out how to get our data out of our tool and then into Gainsight. But once we did it was very repeatable to get all the data we wanted. We just struggled with prioritizing developer hours to get this data push into Gainsight.
  • With the usage of Gainsight we have 3 different products we are now collecting usage data points on. This has been extremely helpful to run at risk calls to action if a client hasn't logged in x days for all of the CSMs to do the same follow and figure out why.
  • Along with the usage Gainsight has made it possible to compare an organization with similar organizations and usage.
I've attended one local Pulse event since I'm an admin of Gainsight it was not very useful for myself. However, one of my CSMs attends and has said it is very helpful. I do find their online documentation very useful and a place I explore before opening a support ticket with them.
We had a leadership member join the team who used Gainsight at a previous company and suggested we purchase and implement. We didn't do any other comparison on this purchase.
If your organization is really looking to get a good pulse read on if your clients are actually using your product this a great tool to have. However, you need to really know what data points you need to understand if your client is seeing value. This took a bit of time and over the last year we've started to learn and tweak those data points.

Gainsight CS Feature Ratings

Product usage
Help desk / support tickets
NPS surveys
Sponsor tracking
Customer profiles
Not Rated
Automated workflow
Internal collaboration
Not Rated
Customer health scoring
Customer segmentation
Customer health trends
Engagement analytics
Revenue forecasting
Not Rated
Not Rated
Role-based user permissions
Not Rated
Not Rated
Integration with Salesforce.com
Integration with Marketo
Not Rated
Integration with Eloqua
Not Rated

Using Gainsight

5 - They all represent out Client Success Management team.
1 - Since Gainsight is so heavily tied to SFDC it falls under my management as an admin and super user.
  • Collecting usage data about clients.
  • Having all CSMs follow the same follow up plan.
  • Not only looking for at-risk clients but thanking ones that are using the tools correctly and see returns.
  • Sending out surveys after a client completes our smart start program to collect feedback about it.
  • We ran into an issue of usage data blowing through SFDC storage so we created various MDA tables to collect all that data and display using reports on 360 to provide the same function without the strain on SFDC storage.
  • More data usage collection
  • Getting better using their reporting engine
  • Leveraging calculated fields within the MDA table to add where needed
Great tool and we've spent a lot of time getting it up and running. Unless something else comes a long that does a similar function for less money we will consider jumping cause we are always looking to save budget where we can. Till then I think we are satisfied with Gainsight at the moment.

Gainsight Support

Gainsight does a good job with support. However, there have been a few cases that just took a long time to get an initial response or just never really got resolved. Nonetheless, I'd say 8 out of 10 times my issue is solved rather quickly and I'm provided details on how to either avoid this in the future or a way to correct completely.
Quick Resolution
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
I mentioned we were blowing through SFDC storage rather quickly by adding in usage data daily. This has me very concerned as we weren't looking to pull into an additional cost from another tool to support Gainsight. After this was quickly identified we worked with support and CSM at Gainsight to come up with an action plan on how to avoid this but still get the usage data we wanted to see from the all client level down to the individual client level. This works as intended and we aren't losing any functionality going this route.

Using Gainsight

Using the tool I don't think is very difficult. I do think there is a major learning cover to support and stand the tool up. There is a lot to learn when first getting started with MDA tables and rules. But once you get one or two under your belt they are very repeatable and easy to use.
Like to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Feel confident using
Slow to learn
Lots to learn


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