Followerwonk - Funny Name, Good Insight
Updated February 04, 2015

Followerwonk - Funny Name, Good Insight

Ryan Williams, MBA | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version

Free Online Version

Overall Satisfaction with Followerwonk

Follerwonk has been utilized in our marketing department for the past several months to help increase the efficiency of our social media strategy. By identifying when our followers are most active on social media, we are able to better target our message and get the most utility out of each tweet. By being more efficient with the times we are tweeting, we can make sure the message we are delivering will hit the maximum number of users possible.


  • Graphical representation of data. Followerwonk does a good job of graphically representing the most active times for your followers. It makes it very easy to be able to make educated business decisions at a glance.
  • Connections with Buffer. The Marketing team utilizes Buffer to schedule social media posts and to analyze interactions with posts. Followerwonk seamlessly integrates with this tool to automatically schedule tweets with the most popular times. This is important for us because as our follower count grows, the usage trends may also change. Followerwonk allows us to stay in front of the most number of people possible.
  • Twitter segmentation. Followerwonk makes finding new, relevant users incredibly easy. By enabling a search feature that combs through Twitter profiles for keywords, I am able to find incredibly relevant users to follow.


  • I would like to see some additional social media channels other than Twitter.
  • It would be nice to be able to do additional drill-downs on sorted follower lists to help segment followers even further.
  • Having a real-time push to partner applications like Buffer and include some of the Followerwonk data in the Buffer reports.
  • One initiative our team launched was a series of educational webinars. We have been able to add an average of six new leads per webinar because of social media. If the messages had been delivered at non-peak times, there would be less likelihood of success.
  • When it comes to social media, it's difficult to nail down specific ROI without referencing a specific campaign. However, our team has seen a consistent follower growth with increasing RT's and Favorites. I attribute this to the right content hitting the right people at the right time.
  • Our team has uncovered a number of valuable relationships with other Twitter users in our industry that have helped us increase the reach of our overall marketing message. These relationships were uncovered using Followerwonk's keyword search.
Honestly, I haven't used many other services that compete specifically with Followeronk. One of the reasons for this is that the service Followerwonk offers is typically lumped into other services as additional features or buy-in options. What I like about Followerwonk is that it is easy to use, fast, and I don't have to spend hours or any additional money to get the information I need to be successful.
I would not recommend Followerwonk to a company who wasn't taking their Twitter strategy seriously. If it's something that receives very little attention or something that isn't being contributed to with any regularity or consistency, there's little need to understand more about your customers and users. However, there if social media is a component that is critical in your industry or in your business, knowledge is the key to success. Followerwonk allows your social media team to have the deep insight they need to make impressions on Twitter. The Followerwonk tool also allows you to become and remain competitive against others in your space by seeing how you stack up against them, who they follow, and what authority they have on Twitter.

Using Followerwonk

Followerwonk is something that I use probably once a month. I like to do a keyword search to find 10-20 new users to follow every month and then to make sure that my posting time is accurately reflecting when my followers are online. As a social media authority, the niche my business plays in will never be huge. We will never amass millions of followers and will never be able to drive significant incremental revenue through Twitter. However, it has provided great opportunity for community building, an outlet for some online strategies, and has resulted in warm sales leads. I don't see myself utilizing the tool much more than I currently do, but don't see myself utilizing it any less. It's an important insight to an important part of the business.


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