ExpressionEngine is dream of any developer.
Updated September 30, 2015

ExpressionEngine is dream of any developer.

Hercules Schonfeldt | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version

EE 2.8.1

Overall Satisfaction with ExpressionEngine

The software's administrative features include admin logs, site membership, searchable (and search-and-replace) content forums, data export, a blacklist/whitelist module, SQL and extension manager, which are all tools that come standard with this content management system. In fact, Expression Engine is equipped with the full complement of management elements we looked for in CMS software.


  • We noticed extensive capabilities in the area of user management. The application allows for multiple administrators so that work can be spread out through multiple resources at a company rather than bottlenecking with the web developer.
  • ExpressionEngine has gained a significant following through its high level of customization and ease of use. The interface is straightforward and offers easy access to both front-end and back-end editing. Because this CMS software is open source, you get the best of both worlds. You can add to your website’s functionality through the use of PHP, which means the functionality you desire from a website is easily within reach. For the non-technical user, you can simply work on your site from a simple front-end interface with a simple navigation.
  • For functionality and flexibility, ExpressionEngine content management system software is a versatile option for operations large and small. It has obviously extended its reach to many professional websites, which is evidenced on the front page of their product site.
  • ExpressionEngine has a thriving community base filled with veteran CMS users who can help you with questions through the community forum. For the programming-savvy individual, you have access to a developer portal complete with documentation, forums and tips for increasing your knowledge of the software.
  • Very powerful CMS. Expressionengine can be thought of as a database, where you create your collections and tables and define all sorts of fields for them. Then you can gather the information in this collections any way you want and show it on front-end or at the backend.
  • EE very easy to setup. For a site that is based on eCommerce/ Articles / News this CMS is excellent.


  • Plugin, Module installation should be with ease. Upload as zip - install.
  • Multisite function should be included with purchase and not be as separate module and restriction to 3 sites - it should be infinite.
  • If you’re not completely sold on the software itself, then you can visit their website to see a comprehensive showcase of popular websites that were created using this content management system software.
  • SEO friendly URLs are one of the best features of EE.
For functionality and flexibility, ExpressionEngine content management system software is a versatile option for operations large and small. It has obviously extended its reach to many professional websites, which is evidenced on the front page of their product site. It may seem a bit pricey, but through its ease of use and expandability, it is a force to be reckoned with. This CMS is certain to help bring your website from the far reaches of obscurity and, with the right tweaks, put your business in the limelight.
This is the best CMS on a market for developers. Turn your eCommerce or News Siet project to a winner with Brilliantretail module and simple plugins. Anything can be accomplished without breaking your neck! No project will be brilliant without ExpressionEngine. Devot-ee is the place for all plugins needed to accomplish any project your client desires.

ExpressionEngine Feature Ratings

WYSIWYG editor
Code quality / cleanliness
Admin section
Page templates
Library of website themes
Mobile optimization / responsive design
Publishing workflow
Form generator
Content taxonomy
SEO support
Bulk management
Availability / breadth of extensions
Community / comment management
Internationalization / multi-language
Role-based user permissions

Using ExpressionEngine

12 - Designers, Copy writers, Developers, Management
2 - Simple knowledge of HTML and CSS is sufficient.
  • Reports
  • Websites
  • Data Collecting
  • Creating Reports for management with CSV , PDF and XLS outputs
By renewing your use of ExpressionEngine you are boosting your ability to create even more modern and robust websites. ExpressionEngine already boasts a secure and stable system, one which has not been victim to a major security breach in the 10 years it has existed. Spam blockers are already in place, which means you can avoid unwanted attention from the malicious forces of the web. The security features offered here are quite comprehensive and include the most advanced of protective features offered among the CMS products we reviewed.

Evaluating ExpressionEngine and Competitors

Yes - WordPress, Joomla been replaced with ExpressionEngine because of flexibility and endless power for developer.
  • Product Features
  • Product Usability
  • Product Reputation
  • Prior Experience with the Product
Freedom of use. Freedom in language selection.
We would stop wasting our time and money on research and train our developers in ExpressioEengine.

ExpressionEngine Implementation

Easy to use for client and for developer. To install - it is a breeze. ExpressionEngine start as a blank slate, which means you are free to develop anything. There are no
assumptions about what kind of data you will store in your site. Because of
this, your models and creations become very powerful.
  • Vendor implemented
  • Implemented in-house
Change management was a small part of the implementation and was well-handled - Expressionengine handles all sorts of data and it was very easy to change organizational management. But if your organization can work with a single level workflow
management capability and manually manage their document versions then
Expressionengine can be a very powerful asset to your organization. Considering
the power it has for a low priced CMS.
  • Window servers are a bit tricky to implement. Please don't try to run Expression Engine on Windows. Yes, it's possible to run it on Windows, and self torchering individuals might even enjoy it. Still, Expression Engine is developed on and for the LAMP stack. Just get Linux!

ExpressionEngine Support

Community for Expressionengine is growing day to day. You can have your questions answered on ellislab website or stackexchange. On Ellislab site it says: "Whether you're a freelancer or working in-house, you're covered for
whatever you are working on. There's no limit to the number of support
requests you can make, and you're covered whether your projects are on a
current platform." And I strongly agree it is true!
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
Exceptional support is provided for Expressionengine at all times. My client was having an issue installing Expressionengine on GoDaddy server and Ellislab reviewed server configuration, answered all possible questions and installed instance for us. Guided me and my client on where to find relevant information and insured that we will not encounter any other problems with installations in the future.

Using ExpressionEngine

More and more customers and agencies started using Expressionengine.
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • Creating channels and assigning channel fields are as easy as it can be.
  • eCommerce modules can be a pain in the afternoon.

ExpressionEngine Reliability


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