Allows marketing to publish updates continuously throughout the day, especially during the busy ski season.
July 17, 2015

Allows marketing to publish updates continuously throughout the day, especially during the busy ski season.

Joy Kilmer | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version

Ektron Web CMS

Overall Satisfaction with Ektron Web Content Management System (Discontinued)

Ektron CMS is used by our IT and Marketing Departments to provide a content management system for our website, We needed a content management system that would allow the marketing department to make daily updates to the website quickly and easily on their own without involving IT. Our Marketing Department loves Ektron CMS because it enables them to do just that. As the web developer, I am responsible for installing and configuring Ektron, setting up the site synchronizations, and overall technical support. In the five years that we have been using Ektron CMS, I can say that the product has been robust and reliable. Our site is fast and reliable, and updates to it can be easily made by non-technical people. What's not to love about Ektron CMS!


  • Ektron CMS is reliable and performs well. Outages are extremely rare, and the site is fast.
  • The Ektron CMS content editor is easy to use, and updates can be made by non-technical people. The Ektron site synchronization process allows us to automatically publish updates every 30 minutes. This is very important to the resort's marketing efforts during the busy ski season.
  • This is straight from the marketing department: 'Ektron CMS is user friendly for non-technical people, and it allows us to be more effective in our marketing efforts.


  • It is difficult to apply custom css styles to Ektron server controls.
  • The product documentation can be confusing.
  • The annual licensing fee is reasonable, but the start up cost is high, and some of the other resorts balk at the high price tag.
  • The marketing department can publish updates quickly and easily, and this to keeps our members and guests up-to-date, especially during the busy ski season.
Content updates can be made by non-technical people. Updates can be published automatically on a schedule throughout the day.

Optimizely Content Management System Feature Ratings

WYSIWYG editor
Code quality / cleanliness
Admin section
Page templates
Not Rated
Library of website themes
Not Rated
Mobile optimization / responsive design
Not Rated
Publishing workflow
Form generator
Not Rated
Content taxonomy
Not Rated
SEO support
Not Rated
Bulk management
Not Rated
Availability / breadth of extensions
Not Rated
Community / comment management
Not Rated
Not Rated
Internationalization / multi-language
Not Rated
Not Rated
Role-based user permissions
Not Rated


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