Dundas BI 2.5 Review
February 19, 2016

Dundas BI 2.5 Review

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
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Overall Satisfaction with Dundas BI

Dundas BI 2.5 is used within the framework of our organization to visualize statistical data in a dynamic and fluidic way. Most of our clients experience richness and depth of information via clean and crisp statistical visualizations rendered through Dundas BI 2.5. The Dashboards we create are a means of visualising our client's risks and helping them successfully manage them through the aid of the various statistical methods and data visualization tools Dundas BI 2.5 offers.

It addresses the need for a proactive and dynamic tool, a tool which visualizes statistical data and allows the user to post process and assemble a graphical user interface which is completely customizable, for all tastes and needs.


  • Dundas BI, offers the ability to create Manual SQL statements, this is very good because the user is in full control of what data is visualized, the SQL statements are used to filter and create structures called Data Cubes. These Data Cubes then form the basis for the graphical statistical UI's.
  • Dundas has great support guys, they will assist you with good explanations, and when all else fails, they offer Citrix (webex) sessions, where you and one of their expert support staff share screens and they take hold of your mouse through remote access and help assist you with whatever the issue may be. I have always been helped by them, they are friendly, understanding and always willing to go the extra mile to assist their customers.
  • Dundas BI 2.5, is great because it runs in HTML, the HTML version allows users to embed the dashboard securely and easily.
  • BI runs using JavaScript scripts, they are easy to learn as well as powerful.


  • Consider publishing a book, filled with a say 4 week course, from the ground up, no SQL for beginners that can be done on www.w3schools.com, but detailed step by step scenarios, using a readily available database. with all script mechanics and tutorials structured in a self learning style.
  • I am always keen to have more step by step examples, members of the Dundas community should all host a forum similar to sourceforge.com (where there are a number of people using Dundas and helping other users debug their dashes).
  • Explanation of limitations, understanding what is possible and what isn't.
  • it would be nice to have better debugging for the scripts.
  • Better menu control in the BI 2.5 interface, the old 5.0 GUI was slightly better for development purposes, but 2.5 is faster and more ductile, so its a 2 way knife edge on this one.
  • FAQ's page, more detail, loads of queries, examples, support.
I have evaluated 3-4 different Dashboard products, Dundas being one of them, Dundas is better because of the way it allows the user to be in control.
Dundas is revolutionizing statistical data visualization with the ability of portfolio creation, giving the dashboard a really cool feel. any kind of dashboard is possible because Dundas allows the user to create broad colour schemes.

OFC if mathematical specialist functionality is needed there are still statistical moguls such as Mathlab and Minitab to contend with.
Dundas can mine anything, Excel, SQL, MYSQL, ORACLE, MICROSOFT SQL etc.. It is a very good dashboard software, the best on the market, it is appropriate for statistical representation of all types of data. SQL Data Cubes are great because Dundas allows seasoned SQL veterans to write their own SQL queries and create their own structures. Dundas empowers the user and the organization to create a wonderful means of visualizing statistical data.

Dundas BI Feature Ratings

Pixel Perfect reports
Customizable dashboards
Report Formatting Templates
Drill-down analysis
Formatting capabilities
Integration with R or other statistical packages
Report sharing and collaboration
Publish to Web
Publish to PDF
Report Versioning
Report Delivery Scheduling
Pre-built visualization formats (heatmaps, scatter plots etc.)
Location Analytics / Geographic Visualization
Predictive Analytics
Multi-User Support (named login)
Role-Based Security Model
Multiple Access Permission Levels (Create, Read, Delete)
Responsive Design for Web Access
Dashboard / Report / Visualization Interactivity on Mobile


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