DNN a good package if you need more than just a content publishing system.
February 22, 2014

DNN a good package if you need more than just a content publishing system.

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Score 3 out of 10
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DotNetNuke was used by our team to implement and create custom modules as per the client requirements. The client had requirements of displaying ad banners on the site and needed to capture those. My job was implement a module which would display those ad banners, capture the clicks and give the client statistics about the clicks. Developing this was very challenging given that I had 10s of thousands of records to go through and had to delete the processed records. To give some idea of how many records were in the database, if I didn't process the records say for 20 mins, I would have over 50K records in that time.

There were other modules that I have personally written while I worked on DNN when it first came out. They were all related to securing DNN while DNN was really new to the scene.


  • Minimal code writing to create new basic modules.
  • Good ASP.NET integrated user authentication and authorization
  • Plenty of free and paid modules available to create DNN site.


  • DNN should really create good tutorials for beginners. It takes a while before one can understand on how to get started in writing modules and their implementation
  • Faster Web development
  • Less amount spent in maintaining the website unless the site required new modules.
  • Many free and paid modules readily available
A few products stack up against DNN like Wordpress, Drupal, SharePoint. Drupal, Wordpress, Joomla all are php based systems, while DNN, SharePoint were all .NET systems which is what I preferred. Comparing SharePoint to DNN, first would be the cost of SharePoint server along with Windows license that is required if you want to host it. Another issue is, developing for SharePoint webparts is far more tedious than DNN and frankly SharePoint is more of a document management system where DNN can be used to develop a website very easily and can be used on a smaller and similar scale as document management system.
Even though DNN is a good CMS, I have worked with other CMSs which are far more robust at this point, and would not be overly inclined to select DNN unless cost of the product is the most important factor along with staying on .NET. DNN is a whole package so unless the client has a requirement of including authentication, authorization for users, eCommerce, sticking to something simple is a better option.
This is a very good CMS if you don't have a lot of technical expertise at hand, want to get a website running and don't want to invest a lot of money. Many CMS have a lot of cost associated with the initial set up but this will get anyone going with little experience. All the free and few paid modules should get most sites working very quickly. Because of the standardization of the code base it would be easier for anyone with DNN to debug the code for a client.


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