Domo: yes, I drank the Koolaid.
September 21, 2019

Domo: yes, I drank the Koolaid.

William H McCall - MBA | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Domo

At RadioShack, Domo provided detail and insight into the business that the field had never had before. Pre-Domo, all the data was aggregated and provided through the Hyperion Excel plug-in. Domo gave store managers insights down to a ticket line level at nearly real-time. I was able to give them time card, inventory, and sales data to a level that allowed them to truly assess how employees in their store were performing.

At Daltile, we are able to provide electric cost to plant controllers as soon as ERCOT publishes it intra-day, sales to a ticket line to all the field, and hundreds of other metrics. Our sales dataset is designed to answer any question you could ask about what is selling, where and through what avenue. There are 1500 plus cards driven off that dataset alone to give people across the company the view of sales that they need.

The ultimate advantage of Domo is that it is both a data warehouse and for visualization. Power-users in each department can build cards and data for their own teams without programmers. Build the sales dataset once and anyone can build off of it. You do not build one-off reports, you build views of the data as you need them. Cards take a few minutes to build after the hard work of building the underlying dataset is done. People are not spending hours each week building the same report over and over. IT is freed up to work on more important things and so are analysts.


  • Build once. modify, reuse, and stop doing the same thing over and over.
  • Everyone is working from the same page/dataset.
  • Super easy to get data in and out of Domo.


  • Huge datasets can be challenging. Dataflows that move hundreds of millions of rows can take a very long time.
  • Domo needs a native SAP connector. Third party products like CData are severely limited in their ability to extract data from SAP
  • Domo can get too focused on the next whiz-bang feature and neglect improving core functionality that might not get as much wow factor.
  • One alert saved us $150k in one day. How is that for ROI?
  • How do you value knowledge? You do not know what you do not know. Domo helps you learn more and more about your business if you care to look.
I have worked with a ton of technologies and Domo has been by far the easiest to use and fastest to get value from. It is not perfect but it literally gets better by the day. They are constantly working to improve the product and work with us as a partner, not as a vendor.
We had a great implementation team.
I have used Tableau, Hyperion, Micro-strategy, Crystal, and SSRS, nothing was as easy to use as Domo. It is also not one-off. I can create a new report based off of an existing dataset in a few minutes, and so can anyone else.
Domo is the great data democratizer. You do not need a huge BI team, you need a few people that care about reporting accurately. It easily deploys to thousands and one person can easily manage the access of users and groups. Most things can be easily automated with simple PowerShell scripts.

Dealing with more than a couple hundred million rows of data will be challenging. You will need to engage their development teams to move data fast enough with that kind of volume. That said, they have been hugely supportive and created custom solutions to help us get our reporting out in a timely fashion.

Domo Feature Ratings

Pixel Perfect reports
Customizable dashboards
Report Formatting Templates
Drill-down analysis
Formatting capabilities
Report sharing and collaboration
Publish to Web
Publish to PDF
Report Delivery Scheduling
Pre-built visualization formats (heatmaps, scatter plots etc.)
Location Analytics / Geographic Visualization
Multi-User Support (named login)
Role-Based Security Model
Multiple Access Permission Levels (Create, Read, Delete)
Responsive Design for Web Access
Mobile Application
Dashboard / Report / Visualization Interactivity on Mobile


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