DigitalPersona stands by their product and their level of support and quality of product is exceptional.
Updated April 12, 2019

DigitalPersona stands by their product and their level of support and quality of product is exceptional.

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with DigitalPersona

Digital Persona is used to speed up the login process for transactions processed by the application operators as well as to collect biometrics (fingerprint) for customers. In addition to that, in both (operator or applicant) processing of fingerprints, we use Digital Persona to store, match and compare fingerprints as to avoid fraud on the operator side and the applicant side.


  • Digital Persona does particularly well on fingerprint matching to authenticate users' credentials via Fingerprint against Active Directory.
  • Digital Persona does well on providing active directory tools for troubleshooting problematic fingeprints.
  • DigitalPresona provides intuitive wizards for enrolling, re-enrolling and un-enrolling users' fingerprints from active directory.
  • Digital Persona authentication process is quite fast. It takes less than 1 second from the time one captures the fingerprint to the time the user is authenticated.


  • Digital Persona does not have a granular auditing method for generating reports of active users and the last time a specific user or users were last successfully authenticated or attempted to authenticate in active directory. This functionality can provide significant value to customers, especially for customers where the number of licenses ranks in the thousands. This would allow customers to revoke a license from users who do not use their fingerprint for authentication.
  • Digital Persona does not have the ability to purge stale fingerprints to free up licenses that have been assigned to users who do prefer not to use their biometric login, users who have left the company or moved on to a different department. Having the ability to purge stale users' biometrics (and licenses) can potentially save customers licensing fees.
  • Digital Persona does not have the ability to run reports for stored biometrics. It could potentially prove useful to be able to run reports of say 5000 users and have a breakdown of fingerprint quality spectrum. This could potentially alleviate administration overhead by identifying stored problematic low-quality fingerprints for users.
  • Digital Persona should have its own GUI Based Administration Utility to have one central point of administration including identifying which accounts have not used fingerprint login as to free up unused licenses, license reporting and type of DigitalPersona Feature used.
Having multiple authentication methods provides wide versatility for the enterprise. A corporation can opt for using simply windows fingerprint logins, use API feature to capture fingerprints for applicants via web-based browser applications, use API to design custom windows applications and use API to authenticate users into the application itself as well as use the fingerprint reader to capture customer biometrics and use this to accomplish the desired software functionality.
We use several DigitalPersona features, Active Directory integration allows us to use Windows Biometric (Fingerprint) login on workstations where more restricted access is required.
We are using DigitalPersona to protect Windows based systems and in-house web-based Microsoft .NET applications. The DigitalPersona platform does extend to Unix/Linux but for our implementation requirements, we initially did not need their alternate solution but we now have a Unix/Linux implementation and having DigitalPersona's versatility paid off by allowing us to incorporate and extend the usage and close the gap between Windows & Unix Systems, allowing our applications to exchange biometric data between multiple platforms.
  • For our situation, Digital Persona for processing applicants is not an option but a requirement. For the system operators DigitalPersona is also an auditing requirement and a necessity in order to automate processing of applicant transactions throughout the day.
  • Digital Persona having joined forces or I should say, merged with Crossmatch has helped standardized the software engineering process for transacting applicants and authentication of operators as well as streamlined the software engineering effort required for performing fingerprint matching.
  • Digital Persona has gone above and beyond in providing us customized support to allow us to tailor their software to our specific needs.

DigitalPersona initially had issues in the fingerprint quality aspect and live view functionality for capturing fingerprints. This was initially a setback when we had to use new SDKs(Drivers) for fingerprint readers we had already writing software for. Instead of DigitalPersona rewriting features and functionality already provided by Crossmatch, they started, in my opinion, from scratch and this created a delay in our software delivery process as it required hours of software engineering and testing.

Overall however, DigitalPersona's service and support at all levels, was exceptional. They stood by their product, supported us day after day and provided software engineering support every time it was requested.

Digital Persona is well suited for situations where auditing is required for processed transactions on internally written applications and to automate and speed up authentication of users who must repeatedly log into a system or application throughout their work day. Digital Persona is less suited for scenarios where user authentication throughout the day is minimal as this does not justify the fingerprint reader or the licensing expense for each user.

Using DigitalPersona

4500 - Unable to disclose the specifics functions due to security matters.
10 - Software Engineers, System Engineers, System Administrators, Help Desk Support Engineers.
  • Authenticating system operators into our management stations.
  • Capturing customer biometrics for customized use.
  • Application Authentication
  • Fingerprint Matching
  • Unable to disclose the specific methods we use the software for.
  • Web Application credential biometric caching and authentication.
We have had a great experience with DigitalPersona Software and Hardware.

Evaluating DigitalPersona and Competitors

  • Product Features
  • Product Usability
  • Product Reputation
  • Prior Experience with the Product
  • Vendor Reputation
  • Existing Relationship with the Vendor
We purchased DigitalPersona primarily because it was the most familiar vendor and their hardware was already widely used in the technology industry.
I was quite pleased on the proof of concept and pilot phase when evaluating and selecting the vendor and hardware. Our company has had experience with Digital Persona vendor and other software and hardware vendors. Opting for going with DigitalPersona was the obvious choice as they are already an established vendor and they stand behind their hardware and software products.

DigitalPersona Implementation

Could use tools to audit license usage at a more granular level as to allow an administrator to free up licenses from users whom seldom use their biometrics to login.
Yes - 

We used industry standard implementation process or our implementation, they were:



Integration Testing

System Testing (Stress Testing)

User Acceptance Testing

Production "Pilot"

Production Full Deployment

Change management was minimal
  • We encountered typical software challenges when brewing our in-house software to interface with DigitalPersona API and Hardware.
  • Driver issues which were later corrected with new driver releases tailored to address our specific problems.

DigitalPersona Support

We always get escalation to Enterprise Support and software engineers are always available to resolve our custom requests.
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
Yes - Premium support is necessary as part of our ongoing customer support contract.
Yes - Understandably so, the troubleshooting spanned over a couple weeks but eventually the identified issues were resolved.
Last quarter of 2016 and we are currently working to reach out to Crossmatch again as part of a revamp to our software.

Using DigitalPersona

I think there are still fundamental enhancements needed to be added to the management consoles and I think there ought to be a Centralized, Windows Based "Thick" Management Application instead of individual utilities which vary from MMCs, Scripts, Wizards, etc.
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
Lots to learn
  • Active Directory Authentication
  • Fingerprint Enrollment
  • Auditing and purging of seldomly used fingerprints


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