Target Site Visitors based on Industry/Account info from Demandbase
Updated February 25, 2015

Target Site Visitors based on Industry/Account info from Demandbase

Naveen Jain | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Demandbase

Denmandbase allows us to create personalized user experience for anonymous visitors on our site, leading to higher engagement and conversion.
Demandbase basically provides additional data such as industry, industry, whether the visitor company is B2B or B2C, etc. about the visitors to our sites.
We have currently implemented it on selected sites and have plans to implement it all the external sites.


  • Demandbase provides easy integration with Adobe Analytics. This is available through a connector or through APIs which can be embedded in the website pages
  • Demandbase attributes are available in Adobe Target for targeting purposes
  • Demandbase data is available for reporting in Site Catalyst just like other custom evar and sprops


  • It would be nice if the connector to Adobe Analytics allowed more attributes to be selected. Currently the connector is limited to 8 fixed and 8 custom variables be selected.
  • Demandbase provides company info, our users are looking for site info as well. E.g. Most big enterprises have multiple locations and our users will like to get to business site for targeting.
  • Enabled us to do account based targeting that is expected to have good ROI
  • Enabled us to do industry based targeting that is expected to be a big deal
  • Provided us better insights about visitors to our site, allowing us to analyse their behaviors better.
Demandbase is more suitable for B2B sites, especially if you know that you would be using the info for creating personalized visitor experience.

However, if you plan to identify visitors to your B2C site, then I am not sure how useful it is going to be.

I do not know if there is a Demandbase integration with other analytics and testing technologies such as Google Analytics, Google Test and Target, Maximizer, etc. I believe that they should exist.

Using Demandbase

Demandbase data is integrated with Adobe Site Catalyst and Adobe Target and therefore available to all EMC marketing teams.

These teams use this data to better understand their audience industry, sub-industry, size, B2B/B2C, etc to make appropriate business decisions.

This info is also used to create personalized experiences for the visitors on the site.

We expect to see good success in creating personalized experiences using Demandbase. This has allowed us to create industry specific visitor site experience as well as account specific site experience. This is expected to lead to higher conversion on the site.

Therefore, we are very much likely to continue to use it.

Demandbase Implementation


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