Critical Mention Is Critical to Our Company
July 29, 2018

Critical Mention Is Critical to Our Company

Jerry Kambic | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Critical Mention

We use Critical Mention for a variety of companies we work with to answer the question, how far is their message traveling and to where. I worked previously for a very large state government and we used it across the entire organization which included 26 departments and thousands of employees. Now I use it for my own company and our partners and it works well for both applications.


  • Critical Mention has been a useful tool over the past dozen years. We have used it to help political campaigns, non-profits, private business and the like to understand where their message is landing and understand if they are hitting their target audience. Our report shows them real-time results for radio, tv, online and even social media.
  • I believe the Critical Mention reporting and reports are far superior to other tracking products we have observed by other in the past.
  • Their online services and support are awesome and when you are looking for a product and value of the product Critical Mention gives you both in one package.


  • I believe the one frustration I have with searching in general that if the closed captioning is not correct on the broadcast end Critical Mention will miss that data. Which is not a Critical Mention issue and does overcome depending on the search. Also, it would be great if you wanted to capture a complete 30 minutes newscast, it could be done by using the search. The clips need to be about to handle 30-minute programs.
  • One nagging issue when using Critical Mention is that it does not save e-mail addresses when sending a report and this requires a waste of time having to type in e-mails that should be able to be pulled from the customers' contacts.
  • Also, it would be great if you wanted to capture a complete 30 minutes newscast, it could be done by using the search. The clips need to be able to handle 30-minute programs.
  • Well, only positive in that our customers know we include this type of professional tracking for them which means they stay loyal.
  • The negative is the price and plan structure. It would be good for critical mention to offer a plan at a price for the limited amount of searches a small business may need annually which would expand their business.
  • We also worry that since cable viewership is heading in a downward direction, our the results we are getting really accurate as more and more people are streaming and using over the air broadcast signals. I believe all major tracking companies may have to develop a solution that includes cable, streaming and over the air solutions. Also, the radio searches need to be expanded by Critical Mention.
  • Too few radio stations are offered by the limitations of how they collect their broadcast radio information. It would be goo to develop expanded radio tracking.
Both Cision and Meltwater are over price and undervalued in our opinion. They both cost more and provide less. If Critical Mention makes a few changes to their software and expands its online offer and social media tracking both of these software companies would be obsolete. Their report is far inferior to Critical Mention for the price.
Look, Critical Mention is the best on the market for the price and value at this moment and every moment, in the last twelve years. I would give a 100% thumbs up to folks who want a professional software and service to handle their broadcast and online tracking needs. Nothing is perfect but Critical Mention is damn close when it comes to our and our clients' tracking needs.

Using Critical Mention

  • We have used Critical Mention to track political campaigns.
  • We have used Critical Mention for tracking topics that our clients want tracking on an ongoing basis in the media.
  • We track commercials and other paid media for our clients.
  • We track client brands ongoing using Critical Mention.
  • We track legislation coverage for some of our non-profit groups.
  • We integrated Critical Mention into a product we use called WINstorm which is very popular with our clients. Using the two together our clients get amazing control over their message and own the channel.
  • Critical Mention proves to clients that usingJerkami Communications Group LLC to do PR is backed up with results. Critical Mention provides us proof that every dollar our clients invest in us is returned in free media tenfold.
  • Ongoing tracking from Critical Mention provides us a 60 day reach into the past and continues to look at what is important to our clients into the future.
  • Critical Mention continues to develop the platform and improve the product. Hopefully, Critical Mention will develop their social media search for it includes the top five social media sites and adds value to them.
We have been clients of Critical Mention for over ten years and will continue to be for the foreseeable future.

Evaluating Critical Mention and Competitors

  • Product Features
  • Prior Experience with the Product
  • Existing Relationship with the Vendor
  • Positive Sales Experience with the Vendor
  • Analyst Reports
Critical Mention an important tool in our toolbox that we use each and every day. When I switch from my previous employer to my own company it was a stretch to afford the service on our own as a startup. After realizing that I could just partner up with other startups and smaller companies everything was resolved on the financial front. We love the ease of using the product and the results we achieve every day.
No, we have reviewed next to half of the over hundred plus companies offering various forms of tracking services and for the bang for the buck we are very happy with Critical Mention. Every one of these companies offers services and cost that are higher or lower to Critical Mention. It is the ongoing value that keeps us loyal to the Critical Mention brand.

Critical Mention Implementation

Critical Mention implementation was easy and fast. Their support and training were awesome.
Change management was minimal

Critical Mention Support

Look, Critical Mention follows up on an or phone call immediately or in the AM the following business day. I have called them after hours and get a live person to work through any issues that may have come up. Support seems to be job one with Critical Mention.
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
Immediate help available
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
Yes - As all things electronic and online asset issues come up. We get a ticket and it is worked out. I have had only two real issues over the years that we have been clients and they have been resolved. When a new version of software comes out things always pop up but are always fixed in a timely manner.
Yes. I had a client who needed a search on Twitter and it was after normal business hours and my Critical Support person handled the last minute request. I also screw up once and forgot to save some assets and they went out of their way to handle my issue. Critical Mention support is always responsive to our needs.

Using Critical Mention

Critical Mention's overall usability is great. They just need to clean up a few issues which they are addressing with future releases. But our day to day usability is awesome.
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • First. Critical Mention offers wonderful service and support. Learning the system is a breeze even for us older users.
  • Second. Using Critical Mention is easy to search terms in many ways. If you really want to drill down into a micro search for one broadcast outlet it is very easy to do.
  • The reports and templates are the best of any search company we have found. Our clients love them.
  • The only thing I wish Critical Mention would do is be able to import and remember our e-mail lists, so sharing would not require us to type in client e-mails each and every time. It can be very annoying when you deal with the same clients and have to type in their e-mail addresses daily. It is a small thing but it is the annoying thing. We have brought it up to Critical Mention but no update yet to handle this issue.
Yes - Yes and No. You can bring Critical Mention up on your iPad or iPhone but it is just the website squeezed and it does not give you the system functionality like using your laptop. We have recently brought this up and I believe they are thinking about the possibility of adding an application in the future. Those of us who provide content and news to TV and broadcast radio stations would love to have everything on our phone. We are not always next to a computer or in a friendly electronic environment so moving forward using a pad or phone would be great.


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