WOW...that is the one word I would choose to describe Conversica
Updated June 25, 2019

WOW...that is the one word I would choose to describe Conversica

Shane Adair | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Conversica

We use Conversica to engage all of our web form fills and move them from an MQL to an SQL. We also use Conversica to follow-up on all post-event leads, reengaging cold leads, and to start up-sell/cross-sell conversations with current clients. This is a combo effort between Marketing and Sales and is insuring that all off our leads are being contacted. In the past we have had leads fall through the cracks as they get lost in the day-to-day tasks of the sales team. We acquire large lead lists from event attendance and from our referring partners and those numbers are daunting to our small sales staff. Conversica and our assistant filter out the noise and brings a better, more qualified candidate to the table, one that is further along in the funnel and ready to engage in a sales discussion.


  • First and foremost Conversica never misses a lead. We have had 100% follow-up on all form fills since we launched our assistant.
  • Conversica easily handles large numbers of leads and is never over whelmed.
  • Conversica never quits. Most responses are coming after the 6th or 7th message to them.
  • Conversica identifies Hot Leads right off the bat and then identifies leads to review and leads at risk in an easy to use dashboard.


  • I really can't think of anything that can be improved. They are constantly working to improve their product and you are involved in that process with each response you receive.
  • There is nothing for me to add
  • I know you want 3 items, but for me, there is nothing to add here.
  • We are fairly new with Conversica, but we have had tremendous success contacting leads that have sat dormant and not worked, we have seen deal flow from these conversations, just at the time I can't give a specific answer.
  • In our first small campaign to cold leads we had a 46% engagement rate, which is phenomenal!
  • The more leads we feed to Conversica the lower our engagement rate drops, but over time it climbs back up as it take 6-7 messages before we see a lot of response.
I give Conversica this rating because of my experience with them. they are constantly in contact with me and make it very easy for me to get a hold of them when I need something handled outside of our regularly scheduled call. On top of this, because of our weekly call cadence they know exactly what we are working on and come to the table with ideas to increase engagement before I even ask for them.
This was a smooth an implementation as they come. On top of that we had to switch our Salesforce instance and Conversica had to do the implementation all over again. It was fast and seamless and made it a very easy experience overall. Once again, because they know our business they knew what needed to be done and did it quickly and efficiently.
I have looked no further than Conversica because they have stood out on their own and I have seen nothing like them since. Their service is fantastic and I have had no reason to look beyond them in the marketplace since coming on board with them. They work with us and identify areas we may not be using them and try to customize their service to what fits our use cases best and not their bottom line.
Any time you are collecting leads or looking to contact clients without over extending your sales force would be a perfect time for Conversica. More importantly, if you feel you are not getting 100% effort in contacting your leads then this is the tool that you need. We have used it for new lead follow-up, post-event follow-up, up-sell/cross-sell, and reengaging cold leads.

Using Conversica

9 - Conversica is used across the board for our sales staff and our marketing staff. Use cases are different as the sales team uses it to follow-up on the leads they are assigned during the campaigns as well as setting up appointments before events. The marketing team uses it to create interest and engagement across multiple product and service lines.
1 - There are no special skills needed as it really is very easy to use and you have the full support of the Conversica team to cover any gaps in internal knowledge or skills. Conversica really makes it easy for users to use and support their product. One more reason we love Conversica.
  • Pre-Event messaging and appointment setting
  • Driving interest at the top of the funnel with cold contacts.
  • Connecting with inbound leads from our website immediately
  • With their new drive action feature we have been able to use our existing content to drive them deeper into the funnel and further educate them on our products and services before they are contacted by our sales team.
Because we will renew and we have rewed a second time already. Conversica has given us a lift in our lead follow-up as our assistant immediately responds to requests and in turn notifies our reps multiple times which has created much fewer "lost" leads along the way. We have seen a real impact on revue as we can attribute the actions from our assistant to closed deals and the results are real and astounding at times.

Conversica Support

Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
Yes - Like everything else, sometimes there can be problems, but it has only happened very very rarely with Conversica and it was addressed and corrected in a very timely fashion. The support team is always on point and rarely does it take more looking into than with our customer success manager. Conversica gets service.
Just yesterday. I had a person get transferred into another department and i needed them removed and their leads transferred to another contact ASAP. I was very busy with other issues and i reached out to my CSM and he immediately made the change for me. This is why Conversica rocks, they are always there to help and are happy to do so!


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