Glowing Review for Confirmit, My Favorite Survey Designer
Updated September 15, 2014

Glowing Review for Confirmit, My Favorite Survey Designer

Eric Lindgren | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version


Overall Satisfaction with Confirmit

We use Confirmit to program surveys for our clients, and we also use it as a database sometimes. It touches every area of the company but only my division (the data analysts) program with it or sign into it at all. It adresses the ability to create advanced surveys to almost any degree of complexity with relative ease and speed.


  • My favorite thing about Confirmit over other survey packages is that you can program anything web-programming based into it by inserting JavaScript/jQuery in the question text or JavaScript tab. Using this technique I have worked around almost all of Confirmit's limitations.
  • Confirmit handles quotas and databases very well
  • It is easy to apply any sort of look/style that you want to a survey and switch between styles as well


  • I would love if you could right click perhaps on the Quotas folder and select "recalculate all quotas". I often have a dozen or even more quotas in a project and it takes a while to double click into every one and select Recalculate Quota for every single one (this is necessary after testing when we need to clear data, or if we invalidate respondents in the middle of intervieweing.
  • I'd love if it didn't sometimes do this thing where suddenly you can no longer double click or right click->Edit nodes in the survey tree... then I have to restart my browser. Not a big deal but it happens periodically.
  • It would be JUST GREAT if the mobile layout built in would allow you to insert JavaScript. Instead it strips all script tags (and style tags but this is not a big deal since you can use Confirmit styles). This destroys our ability to use many of the custom solutions I have developed that rely on JavaScript/jQuery being embedded in the question text.
  • We have been able to build surveys faster
  • We have been able to create many, many custom solutions not built directly into Confirmit since it allows embedded code. Honestly if Confirmit started not allowing you to embed script tags into the question text, I would want to stop using it. It's its main advantage for me.
  • It has allowed us to use its database designer feature to create databases of information, such as zip code -> state, DMA, region, etc, which allows us to save a tremendous amount of time trying to match these things up on the back end.
Confirmit is simply far more versatile and intuitive for me. Plus it gives you so much more power due to, as I described before, the ability to embed jQuery/JavaScript.
For all the same reasons I described, it's versatile, sleek, easy to use, and I can build quick surveys. I don't purchase it, my boss does, so I don't know how much it costs and cannot comment on that.
I honestly think Confirmit is far and away the best survey designing software because it allows nearly unlimited flexibility. Therefore, I think it's suited to any scenario. I have used a few other software packages and I feel powerless with all of them because I am used to Confirmit.


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