Simple and Intuitive Tool for Continuous Delivery
December 08, 2016

Simple and Intuitive Tool for Continuous Delivery

Claudio Fernando Maciel | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Codeship

Codeship is used for simple CI and CD strategies for our small research and development projects. Whenever a new research project is 'bootstrapped' we instantly launch a git repository along with a codeship instance for the project thereof. There, we create our strategies for making sure our acceptance and functional tests are run before the code gets shipped onto production or onto a staging server. It's solely used by our development department, specifically by those involved in the research and development tasks.


  • Build Automation: It's no longer necessary to run many other tools along with the git push command.
  • Continuous Integration: We were finally able to achieve K.I.S.S. [keep it simple, stupid] methodology at our development environment.
  • Continuous Deployment: If everything looks good, it no longer needs to be sitting there, waiting for some other bureaucratic task sequence to be run in order to get deployed.


  • UX: The overall UX is not bad, but it still needs a lot of improvement.
  • It took me quite a while to realize that in order to switch projects I needed to press my current project name so a dropdown would appear.
  • Integration with Bitbucket is somewhat hidden from the users's hands. Got to make some improvements there.
  • Having the code tested thoroughly. While it's obviously a part of the job that still requires the developer to sit down and to actually have some decent and thorough tests implemented, by using codeship we were able to guarantee 100% that our code was being tested each and every time it got commited and pushed onto our repositories. Leading to a faster, shorter and sure implementation iterative cycle.
  • Fewer 'man in the middle' processes which required more steps and people involved just to get the code shipped onto our deployment servers.
  • Almost inexistent learning curve. Codeship is simple to use and very intuitive. Nobody in our development department had a hard time figuring out how to have it properly configured for each new project created there.
Back in those days, we didn't know about Gitlab, and Bitbucket didn't provide a CI pipeline. Jenkins is just too much for the simple tasks we wanted to achieve, besides, we didn't have a dedicated server for the sole purpose of having our code pipelined though continuous integration and continuous delivery. Codeship presented itself as a simple, straight-to-business and inexpensive way of achieving CI and CD at our company.
It is seemingly easy to use and has tons of different integrations. It also provides me a neat "trick" to skip the integration whenever it's necessary; simply by using a --skip-ci comment along with my git commits. It's easy to track the bug and promptly have it fixed, so it has my sped my development cycle a great deal. The overall UX is not bad, but it certainly needs some improvement. It needs to have the most repetitive tasks more 'hands on' than it is actually being displayed. Although I find it to be a very beautiful UX, it's a little hidden.


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