Collaborative and very easy to use
November 27, 2018

Collaborative and very easy to use

Steffany Winkelmann | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Citrix ShareFile

On the product side, we use ShareFile to upload documentation to support our physical products (i.e., web content, FAQs, dimensions, etc. for reference on our website).

On the marketing side, we use ShareFile to upload imagery used for the website and for email campaigns. It's an easy way for us to collaborate on projects, annotate files, access those files anywhere, and keep a running log of what our marketing efforts are.


  • I love that I can annotate directly on a file. For example, I can mark the area where I find some weird imagery or mark some content that I'd like to change. I can make annotations on the side for the designer to review.
  • It's so easy to upload content, add recipients, create a workflow, review annotations, reply to annotations, upload new versions, and so on.
  • The file system is like any other you'd expect so there is no learning curve. You can create folders and sub-folders (both personal and public), star items, share/request files, and more. It's so quick and easy to get started.


  • Annotations, annotations, annotations. I love them, BUT there is this very annoying problem where, if I begin typing an annotation, someone else starting to type in an annotation will stop me (even though I started before them) from writing. It actually removes anything I wrote. You'd think this would have been caught early on, but it has been an issue for over a year and is very frustrating for me. Our workflows typically involve 4-5 people, but sometimes up to 10. When a workflow gets initiated and we get the notification email, many of us pop in there at the same time and fight over who is annotating what. When we have a doc that is 8+ pages long, it becomes highly time-consuming for this reason alone.
  • Back to the annotations again, if there are many markups on a page, it is nearly impossible to figure out where the annotation belongs. For example, if there are 3 on one page, it's very easy to follow the line to the area the annotation belongs. But when you get conversations in the annotations (e.g., 'Change this to XXXX' and someone replies 'Would you prefer if YYYY were moved to replace XXXX?') which naturally happens, and when those annotations stack up (such as in our product mailers that display 6 product images, titles, prices, SKUs, sub SKUs, content blurb), that takes up space FAST. You can't click an annotation and follow its track. You're left to figure it out on your own.
  • There is no animation support for .gifs. I don't know if this is intentional, impossible, or what. But we are moving more into .gif graphics and it's impossible to see the animation within ShareFile. We also cannot annotate .gifs, so there's that.
  • It's been huge in allowing our freelancers to upload a doc or email comp into the system and initiate a workflow so that those inside the organization can provide feedback without the need of staying on top of emails/messages. It's all located in one place.
  • The time suck from the previously-mentioned annotations issue has caused me to lose some productivity as I have to 'wait my turn' to drop in an annotation, then have it removed, and re-attempt multiple times. Not a huge impact on ROI, but it does affect productivity.
  • From the product side, it is helpful for me to reference what the content will be on our website before the page goes up, as well as the copy we send to our retailers who resell our products. Our marketing lingo stays even across all touch-points because of ShareFile.
Dropbox was sufficient, but it required downloading Adobe Acrobat. And I'll tell you this - many people in our organization aren't the best with installing the 'right' software (i.e., they do a Google search, click a link, click the wrong download button and install some other nonsense like a toolbar or what have you) and then it has caused more issues than are needed. ShareFile is plug & play.
It is well-suited for most organizations that require approvals from multiple points of contact inside (and outside) an organization, for companies who need a cloud-based solution where they can store files and collaborate amongst teams to get that file to its optimal form.

I don't think it would be well-suited for organizations that don't have an extensive approval process. There are other cloud-based file systems that can do this function for a lower price. The collaboration/approval aspect is a large component of it, so a small team that can quickly jump into a meeting to discuss something may not greatly benefit from this tool.

ShareFile Feature Ratings

Video files
Not Rated
Audio files
Not Rated
Document collaboration
Access control
File search
Device sync
User and role management
Not Rated
File organization
Device management
Not Rated
Storage Reports


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