Cision - A Powerful Public Relations Tool
February 22, 2017

Cision - A Powerful Public Relations Tool

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with Cision PR Software

Cision PR Software is used across our organization. As a powerful tool for public relations professionals, Cision is an invaluable database to help publicists on every level connect with media located all over the country and all over the world. Cision addresses the ever-present issue in public relations of the changing nature of journalists, media members, and where they are currently employed.


  • Cision has an intuitive, user-friendly platform
  • Cision makes it easy to tailor searches for media based on a wide range of categories
  • Cision's ability to simply export information is a useful tool


  • Cision's large amount of information creates lags in searches and exporting
  • Cision sometimes has difficulty correctly updating contact information of journalists when they change jobs
  • Sometimes it is difficult to save unique searches as defaults/add unique searches to a list of saved search methods
  • Cision has been directly involved in helping secure numerous publicity hits, providing free exposure for our clients and company
  • Cision has proven that the contact information it offers allows for a return on investment that outweighs the cost of the service
  • Cision's categorical searches have allowed our company to properly target the most influential media and thus efficiently use our time
We selected Cision PR Software compared to Meltwater because we found that the tools that Cision has to offer, with respect to the field of public relations, are more valuable. Media monitoring, which Meltwater offers, is important, by Cision has stronger tools with respect to keeping current contact information of influential media, which is more important to us.
Cision is a well-suited tool for public relations professionals looking to connect with media. Profiles of media members are usually well fleshed-out. Profiles include job titles, email addresses, whether the person is an appropriate public relations contact or not, and how the person prefers to be contacted if so. Cision makes connecting with media members a much simpler task. Cision is less appropriate for people trying to develop enormous lists for which to email blast. Many contacts have specific requirements and don't appreciate a lack of correctly utilizing information provided by Cision.


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