ChurnZero a game changer in the customer success world!
July 21, 2023

ChurnZero a game changer in the customer success world!

Isaac Sprague | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version


Overall Satisfaction with ChurnZero

We use ChurnZero as essentially the main customer hub for information. Prior to CZ, we had data stored in various platforms across various systems. CZ allows me to quickly look up customer contact informatoin, settiment, products owned, and gauges their current temperature based on activity. This essentially has allowed me to jump to one site, and be able to jump page to page on that site and see everything on one customer.


  • Ease of use. It is very easy to search literally anything on a customer.
  • Ease of learning the software. Working in the industry Caliber does, and the adult element in general, people don't adapt to change well and are resistent to change. CZ made the change from our previous system super easy and the staff at CZ are always available to help.
  • Integration with other software is awesome. From our support tickets, to billing, to contact management, making changes to keep data accurate and the data flowing back and forth between all software makes ChurnZero a must have.


  • They need a phone app. Often times, I am out in the field traveling and trying to access some of ChurnZero on a phone Web browser can prove to be rather difficult and getting a laptop out may not be feasible.
  • Uploading documentatoin could be a little easier. I am a note taker in OneNote, I wish it was a little easier to add a PDF copy of the note to the account.
  • More accurate alerts. This I think maybe a user thing, but fine tuning alerts and the times they came. I used to get alerts for customer changes at 1 am and would get them in bulk. They would come to me three ways, text, email, and TEAMS so I was definitley clear and awake on the alert.
  • ROI
  • Tracking of customer sentiment
  • Strikedeck (discontinued)
Strikedeck was way to difficult to use and required way to many steps to do one thing. ChurnZero is a game changer with that. When logging a activity, it is literally the same page for everything, no jumping back and forth or having to start a different tab.

Do you think ChurnZero delivers good value for the price?

Not sure

Are you happy with ChurnZero's feature set?


Did ChurnZero live up to sales and marketing promises?

I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process

Did implementation of ChurnZero go as expected?


Would you buy ChurnZero again?


ChurnZero makes my work life a complete game changer. I say it all the time ChurnZero is a one stop shop for data! I don't fumble through numerous different programs, try to remember different passwords, I literally login to CZ and it is right there in front of me.
ChurnZero is best suited for businesses that have a heavy customer load, and have various data points they need to know. ChurnZero is a "one-stop shop" for data. Previously, I would have to go to Outlook, our sales software, and our support ticketing software to find products owned, contact information, support tickets, sales opps, or whatever bit of data I needed. Now with tight integration that ChurnZero has, I literally search for the customer, go to their landing page and I can see all their information in one stop.

ChurnZero Feature Ratings

Product usage
Help desk / support tickets
NPS surveys
Customer profiles
Automated workflow
Internal collaboration
Customer health scoring
Customer segmentation
Customer health trends
Engagement analytics
Role-based user permissions
Integration with


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