Overall Satisfaction with Brightpearl
- Cloud based. A given now but not all programs like this are.
- CRM is good and the ability to add notes and information so everyone can see what is going on with a customer.
- The accountancy side has some excellent features (which I do not use) but which our accountant constantly loves.
- Seems to have just enough features/ability without being overloaded/over complicated (many other systems seem to do too much and have functions you may never need which obscure the features you do.
- The email pane where you email an invoice out of - it would be good to be able to add additional documents or PDFs here like a catalogue & price list - it does not seem that you can.
- Some of the templates are a bit hard to understand - how they will look when you have populated them - is sometimes not what you think it will be.
- Have customer card file info connect better if you update info in that part to the other parts - they do not seem to link.
- Positive - we are all able to do more with fewer staff, keeping our costs down - essential for an SME.
- System is easy to use so we can all feel confident about joining in on tasks/accounts as the information is clear.
- Can write orders incredibly quickly and get them sent off, speed is good!
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