The world is your oyster with Brightpearl!
October 14, 2016

The world is your oyster with Brightpearl!

Jackie Piper | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Brightpearl

Our implementation was a disaster but that was not Brightpearls' fault. It did mean however that we used up a lot of goodwill and valuable help time, which meant we were a bit on our own when we finally got up and running. The main issue was that the staff member on our side was just not the right person to handle the job. It is key that someone on the company side not only take ownership but that they have the ability to do it (our guy did not-but his replacement did and it was like night and day..!). Switching systems is never going to be easy. It's best to pick a time as well when you know everyone will have time to get on with it rather than peak season when everyone is stretched and cannot give their attention, so timing is important too.
Customer support is good, the system works. Typical ticket system but problems get solved, questions get answered.
We are a product design company that designs and manufactures kitchen and tabletop products. Brightpearl is central to our business. Our inventory/pricelists/customer information are all wonderfully connected in a system that is easy to use and gives a clarity to all aspects required to run an efficient business. Its connectivity to other software around the business (Shopify/Amazon etc.) increases its reach and the ability to do more with less!


  • Cloud based. A given now but not all programs like this are.
  • CRM is good and the ability to add notes and information so everyone can see what is going on with a customer.
  • The accountancy side has some excellent features (which I do not use) but which our accountant constantly loves.
  • Seems to have just enough features/ability without being overloaded/over complicated (many other systems seem to do too much and have functions you may never need which obscure the features you do.


  • The email pane where you email an invoice out of - it would be good to be able to add additional documents or PDFs here like a catalogue & price list - it does not seem that you can.
  • Some of the templates are a bit hard to understand - how they will look when you have populated them - is sometimes not what you think it will be.
  • Have customer card file info connect better if you update info in that part to the other parts - they do not seem to link.
  • Positive - we are all able to do more with fewer staff, keeping our costs down - essential for an SME.
  • System is easy to use so we can all feel confident about joining in on tasks/accounts as the information is clear.
  • Can write orders incredibly quickly and get them sent off, speed is good!
We looked at various programs. Some were too big/costly and scary looking to use. Some seemed too simple and not potentially able to do more if things got busy. Brightpearl seemed like good value for money for what it can do and offer versus other systems, as well as being able to work on Macs and PCs. It had lots of intelligent features which seemed just made for our type of business. Not all programs had these features all in one package, plus its ability to link and integrate made it a no-brainer.
Brightpearl is fantastic for small businesses and I imagine big ones too. Does it work well on tablets? I am not sure but would hope it could or would (don't always have a laptop).


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