An in depth analysis into from the viewpoint of a large organization utilizing a precision built platform
October 23, 2017

An in depth analysis into from the viewpoint of a large organization utilizing a precision built platform

Eugene Feygin | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with BrightEdge

At we utilize the BrightEdge platform within our SEO team as well as across the entire organization. From the merchants that are looking to on-board new vendors (use DataCube) to even the content team to figure out what kind of content we should be creating. We use the platform pretty often and love that it has a lot of amazing features like alerts (send us email reports every day on how our KW are performing) to content IQ and many others! This platform also offers us insight into how our competitors are doing so that we can plan accordingly to ensure we are staying ahead.


  • Search console data storage - As most know - Google only offers 90 days of console data but with BrightEdge I am able to store for a lot longer and go back to look at the data for understanding trends.
  • I can track revenue/visits on a page level while at the same time I can pull up that same page in DataCube and look at how many keywords it's ranking for.
  • Page speed - Can't live without it! Content IQ offers us fantastic insight into how our sight is performing while at the same time the feature is very customizable!
  • DataCube - This is an amazing feature of the platform! I can look up any competitor to see how their pages are ranking. I can also look to see how many quick answers I have as well as my competitors. I can even use this to look for patterns, themes and ideas for developing content.
  • Anomalies - This is a feature that gives me a daily alert on how certain keyword groups are doing on an aggregate level. When you are tracking thousands of - it's sometimes best to get a high level overview of what is going on. Usually I'll get a report saying something like you have 150 KW moved to page one and 20 moved down. Something like this.
  • StoryBuilder - We use this feature to create stories for leadership and often even internally to get a general picture of how things are performing. We often integrate DataCube, search console data and much more. Really helps us sell what we are doing.


  • I think there is still room for growth in the UX department. This tool is pretty intuitive but there are some scenarios that can be a bit complicated like story builder.
  • When you specify a page for a keyword - and that page say after some time redirects or changes - the platform does not recognize that. I hope this will be addressed soon.
  • From using this platform I am able to leverage my findings to better understand if I should proceed with specific actions on scale. For example if a vendor is producing content for us - I can track those pages with this platform and if I see an upward trend - I can then increase my investment.
  • The fact that I can see what our competitors are producing for content - is simply gold. This gives me insight into their potential strategy that I can utilize to modify to either counter or expand on.
  • The fact that I don't need to signup for 5 different tools and can have everything in one spot is a time saved and cost effective!
When you signup for a platform - you don't just have access to the platform. You get a person that is there with you the entire time! A person that you can call and say - Hey the SERPs changed - what does this mean? BrightEdge has never let me down in this light. Yet when I have spoken with Conductor folks in the past - I was really disappointed in the amount of experience the reps had in explaining their own software. How can I trust another platform - when their own reps can't explain how something works. Any platform I use - sure they can come up with their own algo and put their own values to it - but as an SEO manager - I need to understand that process. Also the UX in BrightEdge is fantastic when you stack it up against Conductor. I believe even the number of features BrightEdge has dwarfs Conductor.
This platform is suited for most organizations. The fact you can see how your SEO is actually doing, which pages are bringing in revenue and on what keywords people are coming in - coupled with competitive analysis - makes it the platform every SEO will want. I think it's perfect for in-house SEOs as well as some agencies.

BrightEdge Feature Ratings

Keyword analysis
Backlink management
SERP ranking tracking
Page grader
Competitive analysis
Site audit / diagnostics
Site recommendations
Task management
Local SEO
Mobile SEO
Global SEO
Multi-domain support
Integration with web analytics tools


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