Bravo To Brevo! Bretter than our brevious brovider!
November 28, 2023

Bravo To Brevo! Bretter than our brevious brovider!

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Brevo

We started using Brevo (formerly SendInBlue) about a year ago. Our primary ciient is a best-selling romantic fiction/women's fiction author with a significant subscriber list. Previously, we have been using AWeber for all email blasts, newsletters, auto-replies etc. While the service was quite good (we had been using them for about 10 years!). there were a few issues that ultimately led us to seek alternatives. First, as our subscriber list grew, the cost of our plan ballooned disproportionately higher as it crossed certain thresholds. It become unjustifiable in the longer run due to increased monthly rates, US currency (we are Canadian-based), and the forced "additional charge" for quarterly metrics/analysis which we were unable to opt out of. Further, their internal dashboard-based content editor was extremely buggy and laggy. Our client does all her own newsletters and found the interface difficult to use with settings inconsistently resetting and causing a lot of extra time to fix (visuals). Enter Brewo. After an exhaustive search for an alternative, we settled on Brevo (SendInBlue). Right from the get go, Brewo was cheaper, more reliable, better, easier, and more intuitive to use. Our client LOVES it. And so do we. Customer service is excellent. Basically everything AWeber does, but BETTER in every way. We haven't looked back and will continue being happy customers of Brevo!!! Only regret? Not switching sooner.


  • Simple to use, intuitive interface and content editor
  • Fair and reasonable pricing and subscription structure
  • Excellent customer service


  • Stats on email opens, clickthroughs, etc still lag a bit compared to AWeber but improving!
  • Great incentives for new signups (ie. Black Friday deals), but not so much for renewals
  • Saved us over 80% of what we used to pay AWeber for the exact same services
  • Maintained similar effectiveness in email blast/newsletter open rates (slightly less than AWeber but within margins)
  • Saves us an incredible amount of time in content creation using Brevo content editor
The TLDR version: Brevo outcompetes AWeber in almost every possible way: content editor quality and ease-of-use, general usability, cost, effectiveness, reliability, customer service, understanding needs of clients (ie. budgets), small business focus, etc. etc. etc. Brevo for the win.

Do you think Brevo delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with Brevo's feature set?


Did Brevo live up to sales and marketing promises?


Did implementation of Brevo go as expected?


Would you buy Brevo again?


Brevo is an excellent email subscriber service provider for startups, small businesses, and budget-conscious users. BUT it's real strength is that as your business scales, so too does Brevo's services. As mentioned in my review, when compared to over-hyped, and super-expensive AWeber, Brevo wins out in every singly department. Not every 1000, 10000, etc. sub list generates thousands in revenue. So why do other companies charge as if it's a large profitable corporation based on the sub number thresholds? Brevo is reasonably priced without sacrificing solid service. HIGHLY recommended.

Brevo Feature Ratings

WYSIWYG email editor
Dynamic content
Ability to test dynamic content
Mobile optimization
Email deliverability reporting
List management
Standard reports
Link Tracking


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