Box, a great alternative
February 06, 2019

Box, a great alternative

burt smith | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
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Software Version


Overall Satisfaction with Box

Almost a year ago, Box was implemented as an official platform to store, protect, and share important company files. Previously we used another platform for the same purpose, but the space in the cloud was not enough, there were errors when several users accessed a folder at the same time. Once an error occurred in a folder and an automatic duplication was created that not everyone could enter (the truth never knew what happened), but with Box we can all enter at the same time without any problem, make changes, upload files, modify others, and so far everything has worked wonders. In addition, Box has the advantage that its environment is well-prepared, giving the impression of better professionalism (which is very good for the business). It should also be noted that everything is very well-ordered, so the different folders are where they should be and the files are automatically sorted alphabetically, helping even more with organization.


  • In the business version, you have unlimited storage space in the cloud, so you never have to worry about the amount of files you upload, or buy more space in the cloud.
  • You can have an unlimited number of users making use of the same cloud, which is very good because it does not limit you to having to give priorities within the work group.
  • Box has data protection and file encryption, so you can protect your relevant information.
  • The web and mobile versions work excellently and very fast, both for entering your account and uploading files, and that is a very important factor since it allows you to work or review files from anywhere without having any problem.


  • The truth is that so far we are all very happy with Box. I have read from users who have had some "files in conflicts" problems when two or more users try to work on the same document, but that is something that seems to happen in all cloud systems and you just have to be careful to avoid two people occupying the same file.
  • By providing a large space in the cloud, you should not be worried about selecting which files to upload and which ones to not.
  • Box provides a file upload of up to 5GB (in the version I use), so you do not waste time dividing files or uploading files one by one, just select the folder you want and leave it loading in the cloud.
The truth is that Dropbox is pretty good, but we had some drawbacks (corrupt files, double folders, among others). In addition, the space that Dropbox gave us was not as much as the one that Box provides. Another important point is the design of Box is that it has a more professional and neat appearance than that used by Dropbox (which is somewhat gray and depressing). Your web and mobile applications are equally good in both, and the prices of both are not that different. But for me, I think that Box is a better platform and it seems better-implemented both in appearance and speed of file management.
The general operation and management of Box is very efficient, both when accessing the account, and when adding files, downloading or modifying any document directly.
The web platform, mobile and desktop versions work really well and quickly, making all the work and process flow smoothly and without setbacks. So far I have not been able to observe any inconvenience.
I think I can only describe it as excellent. All aspects of Box work without problem, quickly and efficiently. The file upload and download systems are quite fast, the process of access from different platforms is carried out without problems, so far no document has been generated in conflicts or unexpected copies, or any type of error.
Box is an excellent product for cloud-based content management. You can access an unlimited amount of space in the cloud, which is always a good thing because you can store all the data you want regardless of whether files weigh 2mb or 1gb. In addition, Box allows you to upload quite large files (in the Business version, up to 5gb), allowing savings in time since you only have to load the files and you do not have to worry about dividing them up or uploading them by parts or one by one.


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