Yes to BigTime Software!
May 15, 2024

Yes to BigTime Software!

Leslie Pink Morgan | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with BigTime Software

Our Architecture firm of around 10 is currently using BigTime Software to manage project time frames and budgets, enter/submit timecards, and generate and send invoices. We are also able to receive payments using BigTime Wallet directly to the software.
The BigTime Software platform has allowed us to keep everything project related all in one place and be able to pull data/reports that can and look at project budgets, project time frames, staff utilization, estimates, remaining, and projections of hours and fees of contracted work.
Using BigTime Software has allowed staff and Project Managers alike to have a better view of hours remaining on a task and be able to manage projects more proactively, which helps with efficiency and client relationships.
We have found the BigTime Software interface to be user friendly and clean. Although the software platform is very capable of all our needs, it does not feel overwhelming or cluttered.
We are using the lower to mid-level tier of options and for our needs it has been working really well.


  • Thorough and clean setup of each project/client - they have almost everything you need at your fingertips to manage data for each project/client.
  • The Financials Tab - this is a quick overview of all the time/expense for each project and provides easy access if/when I need to move incorrectly logged time from a staffer.
  • Time Entry - simple and easy to use. My staff are able to log time on their schedule which could mean on the fly throughout the day, end of each day, end of the week, end of the pay period. It saves previously entered Project/Tasks and all you have to do is enter hours. This saves time and is a feature our owner loves.
  • BigTime Software Live Chat is a wonderful resource that I utilize regularly.
  • Overall company friendliness and willingness to help and improve. BigTime Software is excellent in this area, their company culture seems to promote involvement from all levels and all areas and is always looking for ways to improve.


  • More customization in invoice formatting (that I have control over)
  • Reports - I definitely prefer the old layout view, but they are not as easy to use as I'd like
  • The categories are not always clear to understand, what is what and/or how they are calculated can create extra work in excel post processing
  • Printing to paper w/out having to export a PDF first
  • Printing options in general (formatting, date ranges, details, etc.)
  • This area is incredibly lacking in options
  • I have found a 40% time savings in the invoicing process since switching to BigTime Software. Allowing me to focus on the multitude of other tasks on my plate.
  • With PMs and Staff having an up-to-date view of remaining hours on a task, we've been able to reduce overages / write-offs from that aspect.
  • Being able to quickly pull up a utilization report we have conversations with staff more clearly and quickly if they are not meeting their goals.
After all the research and demos I watched, I had narrowed it down to BQE CORE & BigTime Software. We actually started w/ BQE CORE, which is an incredibly robust software with a lot of great abilities. It ended up being way more robust than we needed or wanted. We switched to BigTime Software and it was a breath of fresh air. Honestly the implementation team and support with BigTime was excellent and they worked with me to get set up and running in a fraction of the time. The interface, as I've mentioned, was clean and easy to use. It has been the right fit for our needs and company.

Do you think BigTime Software delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with BigTime Software's feature set?


Did BigTime Software live up to sales and marketing promises?


Did implementation of BigTime Software go as expected?


Would you buy BigTime Software again?


I'd like to start by saying, I rarely give 10's on anything, almost always 9's, the main reason for my 10 rating is the support I've received from this team/company.
BigTime Software has been well suited for our company b/c it's giving a window into the project budget and time frames to our Project Managers to proactively manage their projects and look for areas to improve and celebrate with support staff. I would say efficiency in time management.
BigTime Software is not an accounting software and I love that about it. We were looking for a tool for staff to manage their projects and stay on budget and track time and generate invoices all in one place and we've found that with BigTime Software.

Using BigTime Software

10 - Our entire company of around 10 employees uses BigTime Software for at least their timecards and viewing task budget hours. Project Managers use BigTime Software to manage project schedules and budgets.
I use it for all of the above and data, reports, feedback, anything relating to project projections, staff utilization, etc.
2 - I think this would mostly be me. I was the decision maker in purchasing BigTime Software and probably use more of the functions than anyone else in the office.
I do have a superstar Project Manager who is very involved and has been integral in how we use BigTime Software as he is the most active from that standpoint so we can brainstorm on areas to focus and improve in-house productivity as needed.
  • Ease of Use
  • Supporting project efficiency and awareness
  • Project, Timecards, Invoices all in one platform
  • Cross-referencing data between projects & staff
  • Gantt Chart Tasks "Schedule" Projections in a graphic form for client communication (no if only we could print it the way we want)
  • Phased Task Grouping and reports
  • Staff Allocation
  • Improved Project Projections
Overall we are pleased with the software and want to continue to utilize it in our daily work flow and project management and well as reporting, timecards, and invoicing.

Evaluating BigTime Software and Competitors

Yes - BQE CORE was tried out before ultimately switching to BigTime Software.
We also used QuickBooks minimally for time entry and invoicing. Since that's all we were using QB for, we were able to abandon that software and replace it with just BigTime Software.
  • Ease of Use
It needed to be easy to use. Incorporating anything new into an establish company can be challenging. If the new software is not user friendly, getting employees to use it can be difficult. With BigTime Software it was fairly easy to use, had a clean and simply interface, and getting the "buy in" from staff was easy.
I would have chosen BigTime Software sooner - haha!
But in all seriousness, I think I would have liked to speak with other companies using the software I was considering. I think there is a slight disconnect between sales and implementation as to what it actually takes to get a company set up in BigTime Software in a way that is custom to them. Sales is sales and although the software "can" do what they say, it might not be the best solution for your company, so if the standard is not the best fit for you, what does it take to set it up differently or custom? I would have liked to know more about that. I want clear expectations, not best case scenario.

BigTime Software Implementation

I touched on this briefly, in another survey section, but my implementation manager, Kevin, was exceptional.
The actual implementation process took 3 months, not 1 before I was comfortable rolling it out to staff.
We also had to wait/schedule time and coordinate for our custom xml. invoice to be generated and in a place we felt comfortable sending it out to clients.
In the end I was very satisfied, but during the first few months it was challenging.
  • Implemented in-house
  • Third-party professional services
I worked with BigTime to set up everything and train me, then I rolled it out to our company.
  • QuickBooks (QB) integration did not work the way it was intended and I ended up needing to update or reinput everything manually.
  • I wish I would have just done it that way to start, but it seemed less overwhelming to import, oh well.
  • Figuring out how to invoice. I required my staff to do double time entry for almost 3 months in BigTime Software and in QB so I could confirm the invoices were generating correctly in BigTime Software. They were not, so thankfully, this allowed me to figure out why and work with support on how to fix the problems.
  • Getting our custom invoice set up and working the way we needed it to. It's still not perfect, but it's fine for now. I'd like to have more ability to format myself. We are a company of architects and we care how everything looks, not being able to control this came with it's challenges.
  • Understanding and setting up User Rights - certain things were blocked completely and working with BigTime and waiting for them to make changes on the back end to allow for certain items to visible without others.

BigTime Software Support

I reach out to tech support often and they are always friendly and do their best to help. Occasionally, if they are unable to help they will have to get back to me and sometimes that prolonged waiting can cause challenges with my work.
More often than not, though, they get me through the big or small questions that I reach out for. And they are so nice!
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
I don't think so.
Not sure I even knew that was an option.
Standard support included in our services seems to be enough most of the time.
On the rare times I have to wait for a response I typically develop a work around and can keep things moving forward until I learn if/what a better way might be.
Yes - The "bugs" I've reported are more development and back end coding things, so they are typically not resolved quickly, b/c the company needs time to assess and review them; totally understandable.
I do typically get email updates if there was something I specifically needed and was waiting on, so I could try it again and see how it's been modified.
Exceptional support would be awarded to my implementation manager Kevin, hand down the best! He was patient, knowledgeable, helpful, and kind even when I was frustrated. I would credit the success of rolling out BigTime Software in our company to him.
Since Kevin, I've had the opportunity to work with many other members of BigTime Software and I've consistently found their positivity, drive for improvement, and openness to feedback impress me.

Using BigTime Software

Overall most areas of the software are easy to use.
I tend to spend a lot of time in analytics and reports. Those are not as user friendly, in my opinion, and could use some improvements.
I think it just takes time to get familiar with where items are stored in the program and what changes affect what.
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • Setting up a Project/Client and that corresponding data
  • Time / Expense Entry is easy
  • Having multiple windows of BigTime Software open at once, works fairly well to see more information all at once
  • Specific Reports
  • Working inside reports / editing data / following data back to original source (I liked in QuickBooks how all reports were interactive and I could click on data and it would automatically open the source and so and on to get to the root)
  • Workflow doesn't really work at all


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