Bamboo manages building our software on all platforms so we don't have to
December 05, 2016

Bamboo manages building our software on all platforms so we don't have to

Tanner Lovelace | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Bamboo

We use Bamboo to continuously build our software whenever anything is checked into our source control system. This lets us stay on top of any problems that could potentially arise from a stray check in. Bamboo does builds for all our various branches and even manages branch merging only if compilation succeeds. It is an indispensable part of our workflow.


  • Bamboo builds our release branches and automatically merges them with our master branch if a build succeeds.
  • Bamboo allows our developers to see if a build succeeds in their feature or bug fix branches before they merge it into a release branch.
  • Bamboo builds our software immediately after a checkin and provides immediate feedback as to whether the build succeeds or fails.


  • Bamboo configuration is done through the web interface and as a result cannot be versioned. It would be nice if the build configuration could be versioned.
  • Sometimes it isn't obvious how to pass artifacts between build plans. This can be confusing when trying to put together a build plan that depends on a different build plan.
  • It would be useful to be able to execute some jobs only in certain branches instead of for all branches. For instance, when using plan branches, we'd prefer to only push release branches to artifactory and not plan branches.
  • Bamboo allows us to automatically build our software on all supported platforms at once allowing developers to not have to have the ability locally to build on all platforms.
  • Bamboo allows us to immediately find compilation problems with our builds making sure we stay on top of things and don't push them off to a later time.
  • It is safe to say that without Bamboo our organization would find things a lot more complex. Bamboo makes it simple to make sure our software is building correctly a lot of the time.
Bamboo integrates directly with our bug system (JIRA) and source control system (Bitbucket). It allows us to get what we need to done without worrying about how it works with our other systems.
Bamboo is very well suited for continuously building whenever code is checked into a source control system. It works very well for that. It lags somewhat, however, when you want to do different actions for certain branches like only pushing release branch artifacts to artifactory instead of pushing artifacts from all branches.


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