Very knowledgeable team makes the transition much easier to get through!
August 29, 2020

Very knowledgeable team makes the transition much easier to get through!

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with Treasure Data

It is being rolled out in phases but will be used across the whole organization. Currently within sales and marketing, primarily. With the ultimate goal of complete customer-centricity, the main problem we are addressing with the CDP is creating better experiences for our customers. Additionally, we have so much data that we need to unify and bring into one place.


  • Knowledgeable team
  • Helpful in setting up platform
  • Insightful tools, platform, and people
  • Great at strategic planning in our use cases
  • Training has been great. We've had many training sessions across the org that were held by the ATD team.


  • Hard to use if you're not heavily involved in data and analytics. We are hoping for an easier way for the marketing teams to utilize.
  • Dashboards aren't super intuitive, but just require some additional walk-throughs.
  • Need more resources
  • We've run into some memory issues on the platform, but the ATD team is making improvements to fix these.
  • We've been driving incremental revenue within our current use cases.
  • Allows us to bring many 3rd-party tools in-house, which is a cost-saver and allows the platform to pay for itself.
  • Brings our data together in a way we didn't realize was possible.
  • A better understanding of our customer
  • Increased personalization via various marketing campaigns, in new ways
  • A holistic look at our customers and engagement with the company and our brands
  • Scoring of our customers, active and inactive
I did/do think that Adobe Analytics is a good tool that helps bring in all data. I really think the big point with the tool is for metrics and de-duping across media campaigns. Treasure Data is definitely much more than that. You do get to see how all of your campaigns 'play' together but it's more of a customer-focused tool that makes sure you're not overly communicating with anyone.
Utilizing Treasure Data will definitely help in creating better customer experience or centricity within your organization. It's very important to build a team that has many members all throughout your organization, purely focused on the customer data platform as this platform and the use cases that go along with it are a beast. But, definitely, it has been paying off.

Using Treasure Data

We have users and people who are involved with the use of the Treasure Data CDP, from nearly all functions of our organization. Primarily the main "users" are on the IT and data analytics side. But, our marketing side on both pre- and post-sales depends on this tool. Also, our media agencies and partners use the data from this tool as well.
11 - We have 11 people in total that are 100% committed to supporting Treasure Data. The positions include program managers, project managers, IT (several areas), data scientists, and data engineers. Outside of the core group, we have representatives from each main stakeholder from pre and post-sales, marketing, media, customer relations management, etc.
  • Increase personalization within our current campaigns
  • Bringing in tools that are sourced from outside vendors, in-house by utilizing the data we store within Treasure Data
  • Customer and engagement scoring
  • Bringing in potentially more vendor products in-house to reduce costs and make them more personalized
  • Additional audience building within media campaigns
  • Tapping into our dealer's internal systems to gather more information
I do think that we definitely will be renewing. We are putting major resources, time, and effort into Treasure Data becoming an extension of our organization, in many ways. We are working toward complete synergies with this product and leadership is very excited about the direction we are heading to be completely customer-centric.

Evaluating Treasure Data and Competitors

Yes - We are replacing our email deployment tools, some of our 3rd-party vendor products, and some aspects of our campaign management system. Having all of the tools in 1 location, which enriched data and customer profiles is the smart way to go. We will have additional information and data and easier to have everything in one place. Additionally, it's a cost savings.
The technical abilities made us choose Treasure Data over other products that we looked at. The fact that the tool can bring many things in-house vs being single-threaded like we noticed some of the other vendors were. The price is pretty comparable across the board, so that wasn't a huge driver for us. Additionally, the profile unification features were a big win.
I do know that this was a very strenuous and time-consuming project to undertake. I do believe that all of the time and effort put into it was worth it. Perhaps if we would have dug in a bit more on the technical and usability side, that could have been beneficial to us.

Treasure Data Support

The team is very supportive. I do feel like we are in need of added resources though. The main issue we are having is with our reporting dashboards. Getting them up and running has not been the easiest task for us. Also, unification has been harder than we anticipated, but the team is very much all hands on deck trying to get us through this.
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
The team, as I mentioned, are very much all hands on deck. We see that they are working all hours of the night to ensure that we are on a good path and our issues are resolved. We literally see that they are working until 5 AM our time and will be present in a meeting the next morning without any concern. They definitely care about our well-being and success.

Using Treasure Data

If you are a data person, you will likely understand the product and how to use it well. We did find that some of our queries run into memory issues though. If you are a marketer and want to build easy audience segments, I am not sure how easy it will be for you. We are still working through this.
Difficult to use
Requires technical support
Feel nervous using
Lots to learn
  • Query finding and loading
  • Reading the data
  • Interface is intuitive to use
  • The dashboards aren't very intuitive (for reporting)
  • Building actual queries
  • Audience segmentation in a way that makes sense to marketers

Relationship with Treasure Data

The Treasure Data team is great. They are very easy and pleasant to work with. It's very obvious that they care about our business and organization. They feel like an extension of our company and we are grateful for all of their support in this process. Nothing negative to say on that.
All of the same comments. We are still seeing the same level of support and are working toward additional support from them. They have gone above and beyond, especially during negotiations and contract signing due to COVID-related issues. But, never skipped a beat with us and worked diligently on good faith.
All of the same comments as the other questions. They have gone above and beyond, especially during negotiations and contract signing due to COVID-related issues. But, never skipped a beat with us and worked diligently on good faith. We did negotiate some additional assistance in shadowing and transitions from Treasure Data 100% supporting us to our team taking over, which has been very helpful
I do not think that they were difficult to negotiate with at all. I don't think I have any advice in that sense. They are offering and providing everything that we had asked for, so no change in that sense. In fact, they went above and beyond what was expected of them.


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