Simple E-mail Service- may not be simple, but well worth it!
January 31, 2018

Simple E-mail Service- may not be simple, but well worth it!

Anindya Chatterjee | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Amazon Simple Email Service

We are a CRM vendor and our product is deployed as a service (SAAS). We use SES to send out automated emails to clients - when they register, when they forget their password and need it re-set and [we use it for]the first set of onboarding emails. We do not use it for email marketing.


  • Low cost; I do not know anyone that can match their low cost unless you are in the free tier of G-Suite for work Gmail.
  • High reliability - messages do get delivered. We have had no issues.
  • Easy to set up the basics - generate the credentials and add it to your code.


  • Setting up for bounces is just so hard! Amazon needs to do a better job here in providing instructions.
  • Struggling to set up spf- again, the instructions are not great and often confusing.
  • Our cost of sending emails is negligible.
  • We have very high confidence in our email delivery.
  • The speed of sending is awesome. We have sent out thousands of emails in minutes - once we sent out mail as a shout out to dormant users- and it worked very well.
In terms of ease of use, Gmail is the best. But, SES is preferred because there is no rate limit and it is so inexpensive. If you want list management, image embed capability, and easy setup, SES is not for you. You need to be technically sound and have a thorough understanding of the email domain if you want to use SES. If your email needs scale up and you do not have the patience to learn SES, use a service like Sendgrid.
If you are looking for a no fuss, functional email delivery engine at a very low cost, Amazon SES is great. But, there is a learning curve, the documentation is often dense and many times, you yearn for a simple GUI, while setting up your interface. SES has barebones analytics - virtually none. It also does not do list management. Mapping bounces to SNS is not very intuitive either. If you are sending embedded images, you need to load them from external servers.


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