Overall Satisfaction with Adobe Photoshop
In the workplace, there is a full-time graphics artist who also uses the Adobe Suite. We are the only two consistent users of the program.
- Freehand coloring: With the right knowledge and a good artist's eye. Photoshop can make a good piece of illustration depicting almost anything you want to. This especially comes to light with coloring and adding layers to enhance the work piece.
- Photo editing: Photoshop has several tools and resources to allow tweaks to photos to varying degrees.
- Precision: Photoshop allows you to save in various formats in precise sizes, all to user specification. This is a one-catch-solve-all program for most graphic applications.
- Undo: This is a big feature that could use improvement. Granted that this system is in place to accidentally prevent deletion of work, it is a pain if you had made major mistakes and need to take several steps back and need to do so quickly, not dragging it out.
- Keyboard Shortcuts: This is a bug in Photoshop CS6. Some keyboard shortcuts do not register or delay coming in, causing you to mess up your work and you having to backtrack and start over. Wastes time.
- Layer Type Selection: This does not allow you to simply select a layer blend option, requiring you to manually paint on the canvas to "confirm" the selection.
- Using Photoshop has made work look a lot more professional rather than using a program such as Corel PhotoPaint or MSPaint.
- Photoshop has allowed shorter work turnarounds in comparison to Corel Photopaint.
- Photoshop tends to eat up a lot of system resources, needing a more beefy computer comparable to heavy work-grade or gamer-type system chassis to run efficiently without lag.
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