One Login to Rule Them All
Updated July 08, 2015

One Login to Rule Them All

Pauline Kraus | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version


Modules Used

  • Content Holder
  • WebApps
  • Blog
  • WebForms
  • News
  • email Marketing

Overall Satisfaction with Adobe Business Catalyst

We exclusively use the Business Catalyst platform for all of our web clients. It is an all in one product for hosting, email, email marketing, content management, blogs and ecommerce. Business Catalyst allows our clients to manage all the various system needed to run an successful online business with one login.


  • Blogs are one of the best ways to generate new content and gain organic rankings with search engines. Business Catalyst's built in blog engine allows users to have their blog resident on their website instead of having to maintain to two sites. This helps to keep the website fresh and builds SEO.
  • Business Catalyst provides a comprehensive Email Marketing module. Users can create and schedule email series. BC also allows for other modules to be placed within the email so that as you update content on your website you are also populating your email newsletter.
  • Although not a feature of Business Catalyst itself, there is a great community of BC partners that support one another. The community shares their knowledge and successes as well as their trials and tribulations. The community happily welcomes new partners without condition or judgement. Through the knowledge shared partners can learn about the platform itself, site building in general, tips on working with clients and how to build their own business.
  • Business Catalyst support is excellent. Being able to chat with support in real time while you are talking a client through a problem is a great asset.
  • The Web Apps module is a powerful feature which allows users to add content to the site while locking in the design. Users simply fill out a form and the information is added to the site perfectly formatted.
  • The ability to replicate sites allows partners to reproduce a successful site thereby reducing build time and increasing productivity and profits.


  • The learning curve can be steep.
  • There is no access to the server side programming so some functionality needs a work around or cannot be accomplished.
  • It is more expensive for users than many of the other website options.
  • Business Catalyst provides partners and clients a single system to learn and maintain. No need to constantly switch gears to remember who has what CMS which makes support more efficient.
  • Business Catalyst has made it possible to create and launch sites in less time thus increasing profitability.
  • Business Catalyst is a large investment in the beginning about monetarily and in learning the system. It may not affordable to smaller agencies.
We didn't really used many products before deciding to use Business Catalyst. When we started we developed sites using an old product (GoLive) and then created a few sites in WordPress. We didn't like that fact that WordPress needed an add-on every time we wanted additional functionality and trying keep on top of updates was distracting.

Adobe's Business Catalyst gave us an all in one system to replace the multiple products clients required to run their online businesses. We also didn't have to remember which sites had what add-ons updated...or not. Business Catalyst is SaaS which allows us to always have the latest updates and functionality ready at our fingertips.
Overall Business Catalyst is an excellent product especially for smaller agencies and freelancer developers.

Helpful resources for BC partners are:

Using Adobe Business Catalyst

Actually with Business Catalyst there is no renewal; once you are a partner, you are a partner for as long as you like. It is an investment in your business not simply a product you purchase...and as an investment in partnership with Adobe, both are committed to each other's success.

Business Catalyst Implementation

Business Catalyst Training

Business Catalyst Support

The support provided by Adobe is excellent. Though the knowledge base, forums, blogs and online chat questions most all answers can be found. In the event that you are unable to find an answer or you have a unique situation simply post a question to the forums. These forums are regularly monitored by Adobe and its users.
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
No - Support is included to Business Catalyst partners at no cost. In addition to the support Adobe for Business Catalyst many BC partners offer their own tutorials and blogs. Some of these require a paid membership. There are also many free opportunities to learn Business Catalyst or to participate in forums and online discussions.
One client wanted to take their site live on a weekday. I usually take sites live just before or after work hours on Friday in case there is a hiccup so business won't be interrupted.

This client also had chosen to host their email with Business Catalyst. BC actually employs a third party for email which partners cannot directly access.

Because we had never before taken a site live mid-week we were unaware that the email provider severely limits the number of outgoing emails for the first 24 hours to guard against spammers. Our client's email was pretty much shut down after a couple of hours because he had reached the limit. He was unable to conduct business.

I contacted support via online chat, described the problem and within an hour had the email provider increase the limit for the rest of the day. The client was able to continue his work and I looked like a hero. Yay!

Using Business Catalyst


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