Solid product, excellent support.
Updated April 10, 2015

Solid product, excellent support.

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review

Overall Satisfaction with Adaptive Insights


  • Solid product with excellent customer support - supports mainstream budget and forecast needs well and is fairly customizable to customer needs.


  • You will need someone comfortable with a cloud based product and comfortable with using the tools formula builder along with creating customizations ... it's similar to spreadsheets in a lot of respects, but formulas don't work 100% like they do in Excel and you will create a lot of custom accounts, sheets, etc. that require a little getting used to (along with getting used to a cloud based tool).
  • Instant consolidation of financial numbers; no re-work tracking down linking errors in spreadsheets; easy to run "one-off" scenarios ... basically makes finance professionals more efficient once they get used to the tool and gives them the ability to get at data and run reports more timely than they were probably able to do previously.
Part of a NetSuite implementation for my most recent client; in other systems selections I've been a part of, it was chosen for cost, feature set, and support.
Excellent product!!!

Using Adaptive Insights

  • Budgeting, forecasting, headcount tracking, modeling, etc.
  • Nothing too fancy, but have used their template report functionality to create charts & graphs that link back to a financial data sheet tab; using Excel formulas in the template linking back to the data sheet allow for quite a bit of creativity along with giving users the freedom to still use Excel which most are more comfortable with - the possibilities are really endless as long as you can get the data into a data sheet tab and are strong with Excel.
  • Adaptive has quite a bit of new BI functionality (Discovery, etc.) that I have not had access to yet, but it looks impressive.
  • You can structure your Adaptive models to pull in non-financial data (which can be imported) and then incorporate into your reports.
It's one of the best budgeting/forecasting tools I've used in 20+ years of working in this area; that said, you need to be comfortable with a cloud tool.

Evaluating Adaptive Insights and Competitors

Excel spreadsheets.

Adaptive Insights Implementation

They do a great job; any issues have been on the customer end making the time to focus on the setup work ... I would advise making sure you have an individual or two that can focus on this over the implementation period.
  • Vendor implemented
Vendor assisted implementation is the best route to go - they will do as little or as much as you want and will step you through it in a logical sequence.

Adaptive Insights Training

  • Online training
  • Self-taught
Pretty good - training can be pretty dry like it can be for most financial products and some trainers have been better than others ... overall pretty good though.

Configuring Adaptive Insights

Adaptive Insights Support

As mentioned previously - responsive, thoughtful answers, and usually give more than one alternative.
Yes - One of the best in vendor support for financial software has been my experience - responsive and they listen to your questions and usually try to give you multiple options on how to resolve issues/problems.


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