Experience with Act-On use for email campaigns and inbound contact/lead capture from website traffic
October 06, 2014

Experience with Act-On use for email campaigns and inbound contact/lead capture from website traffic

Prabal Roy | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Act-On

1. For outbound email campaign for generating contacts and turn them into leads.
2. For capturing in bound leads who visited our company website
3. Historical data capture regarding email campaigns sent.


  • Act-On can monitor traffic to our web pages, when the same contact visits our site more than once, the email address, and possibly additional information is captured for generating in bound leads.
  • Daily auto generated of inbound traffic from various regions of the world provides international geographical interest in our company
  • Generate metrics from Act-On to measure the efficacy of our marketing campaigns.
  • Templates of graphics and email letters creation is very simple.


  • Can not think of any. It met all the requirements that I had in my job.
  • We did not make any calculations of ROI, however, emails sent generated ample conatcts quickly and continued to generate contacts as time went on.
  • Act-On made it very easy to manage email campaigns and historical information on campaigns are always available at fingertips.
Act-On concentrates on marketing aspects and provides excellent functionality, where as Sugar CRM's focus is on CRM DB functionality, and their user interface and historical reporting does not come ready made. Act-On provides easy download of latest information from CRM and also upload. This can be automated periodic updates, or run on demand. Works very effectively.
Act-On [provides] excellent functionality and excellent support.
Act-On product met all our needs.

Using Act-On

4 - Marketing and Sales
2 - Any one who can write emails can use Act-On. Knowledge of Graphics understanding of boullion logic is helpful.
  • Email campaign planning and execution
  • Capture of contacts/leads from inbound traffic to company web site
  • Campaign metrics capture and historical reporical reports
  • Opt-out capture and auto implementation for future campaigns
  • Hard bounce-soft bounce information allows to alert need for keetiong email addresses up to date
  • Capturing inbound leads. In bound leads are much more likely to convert ot customers since they are looking for information regarding a problem they might wish to solve.
  • Our company has just started use of social media for marketing, but is not yet making use of this feture built into Act-On.

Act-On Implementation

What impressed me most is that Act-On showed full committment in making our implementation successful, even when it required additional support from their team. This gave me a lot of warm and fuzzy feelings. Most other software software vendors are not anywhere close to being this responsive and effective.
Change management was minimal - I do not recall any change manegement issues when we implemented Act-On.
  • Intially there were some issues in setting up auto loading of data from our CRM into Act-On. Act-On worked with us, identified the technical issues and helped with completing the implementation.

Act-On Support

Act-On has always reponded very quickly to probelms or consultation requests, they are willing to train anew user as the user has questions, They find out whether the probelm was solved or not. Best software product support organization I have come across over 30 years of my work in Software industry.....
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
No - Standard support that comes with product subscription hjas been more than adequate.
Many times. We needed immidiate support, and many times the technical support manager, when contacted personally intervened to insure our questions were answered quickly.

Using Act-On

It is very easy to use and intitive.
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • Opt-out feature automatically implemented for future email campaigns.
  • Can not think of any


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