Good starter marketing automation product.
January 02, 2013

Good starter marketing automation product.

Vinny Poliseno | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review

Overall Satisfaction


  • Lead Scoring
  • Tracking Online behavior
  • Integration with Salesforce & GoToMeeting


  • Social Intelligence
  • Streamlines hot leads
  • Nurtures cold leads
It is an affordable monthly cost compared to other marketing automation platforms (MAP) within the industry.
Good product to get your organization started using a MAP solution.

Product Usage

15 - Marketing & Sales
15 - Marketing & Sales

Evaluation and Selection

No - We needed something to track anonymous visitors and begin using nurture programs.
LeadLander, Marketo, Eloqua

Went with Act-On for their cost and the ability to connect with my stubborn CMS.


I was able to get all the integration done myself. I wasn't terribly hard but you needed to make sure you were following their wasn't as easy as downloading their API connect then allowing it within your environment there was some additional customization that was needed once you had the API connected.


  • Online training
  • In-person training
  • Self-taught
My Account Manager has led me through countless amounts of training on the product as a whole and through some of my integrations.
The online training is a bunch of different videos & walk through guides...some of the guides do need to be updated though, as they are a little dated with old screen shots but enough to get you through it.
I would not recommend trying to jump in without training...though it's an easy product to understand I would still make sure you take the time and set up trainings with your account manager to make sure everything you're doing is being done correctly.


Created new custom fields through different objects within SFDC along with writing a few formulas to follow lead source and adding in views.


I have a very wonky CMS that is proprietary built and is not integration-friendly...I worked with the support team over the course of a week to get the product and my CMS to work together and properly. They went above and beyond to help me with my unique issue.
No - I would say their support is top notch and I am not paying for anything additional.


I've worked within a few other MAP or similar products and its pretty easy to navigate and find exactly what you're looking to you get a dedicated Account Manager who walks you through a few trainings.


I have not experienced the product being down or unavailable.
It takes a few minutes to sync with Salesforce (SFDC) but other than that its pretty fast and I have not noticed a large lag at any point thus far.


  • GoToMeeting
GoToMeeting was pretty easy. SFDC was a little bit more involved.
  • None at the moment

Vendor Relationship

Extremely sales rep has been very helpful, my account manager is always willing to help and their support team tends to find a resolution rather quickly.
I was able to get an extra thousand contacts as they were running a special. Other than that their pricing is pretty straightforward and there is not a ton of wiggle room, but you can talk about getting a custom package built for your organization.


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