BrokerageBuilder: One of the Best Benefits Broker Systems
- It's very flexible. You can add custom fields easily and create/update workflows and activities quickly.
- The layout is easy on the eye. The dashboard is laid out well and helps you stay on track with renewals and activities.
- Emails attached to an activity are easily viewed and housed within the activity on a separate tab.
- Adding and reviewing policy info is simple. The tabs make it helpful to find and view info quickly.
- The reporting was a challenge. There are a lot of canned reports, but we had to spend hours over several weeks to have reports built to give us accurate info, like a simple book of business report (it had to be escalated to senior reporting engineers). Creating reports is fairly simple, but we frequently encountered issues that made us lose confidence in the data—particularly on the book of business reports.
- There should be some auto-save features. When we used the system (through June 2019), you always had to click "save" on any changes.
- It would improve efficiencies if users could drag/drop emails and documents to activities, policies and clients.
- We liked the system for the Benefits department. It was easy to see what your colleagues had done for clients. We liked that you could mark tasks as complete within the activity. We liked that you could share activities with another person.
- Having two systems was a challenge for our agency and led to use changing to one combined system.
- The reporting needs to be improved. The basic book of business reports and other reports that most agencies want to use to track revenue with were lacking and had to be created.