Lookout for Mobile/App Cybersecurity You Can Trust Where You Need To
Rating: 9 out of 10
September 23, 2019
Vetted Review
Verified User
3 years of experience
Lookout is used for proactive mobile device (endpoint) security. Everyone on our team hails from a cybersecurity background so we are very aware that a cybersecurity breach is no longer a question of "if", but when. The business problem Lookout addresses for us, is today most of the world transacts via some type of mobile device and using, as Lookout says, "40 million+" different apps. We valued that Lookout takes a proactive security posture and visibility into threat data from 100 million mobile devices within their global network that they include when they scan our devices and apps for potential threats. That's incredible cybersecurity protection for us to have 24/7 access to, right where we need it most.
- A key strength is their proactive cybersecurity posture. That's not nearly as common as it should be, especially with the level of awareness of the scope of the problem these days.
- Another key strength is their global network. That level of visibility makes all the difference, in today's cyber wars where, and you can quote me: "When an Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) attack is just a matter of time, when even zero day detection is too late, radically different approaches are required if we are ever to win these cyberwars." That's exactly what Lookout has done, and continues to do.
- One of the greatest cyber risks in mobile is what every one uses - apps! Apps from Starbucks to Nordstroms to banking to the myriad of productivity tools we all use everyday to exceed our business/productivity goals. Now with the ability of threat actors to trojanized apps, those Lookout scans that don't require you to do any upgrades, and their proactive cybersecurity posture are business critical for everyone.
- They're the global, mobile cyber experts we trust. They're ahead of the curve already. All I could suggest is, keep going in that direction.
- Perhaps, send out an occasional , brief update on global trends that business executives should be aware of, even when Lookout is already on it.
- Keep it brief, with a case study where a proactive action was taken and an event was avoided. Those would be shared enterprise-wide.
- More PR about your proactive actions would be educational for us all. NO FUD, will ever work, but seeing that there are actions we can take, even to the newest of threats will be very effective.
- It's always difficult, in cyber, to put an ROI on a "non-event". As they say, the best that can happen to a CISO's day, is that no breach happened.
- Lookout's auto scan and auto-reporting that every app has been scanned, the number of apps and what has/has not been found gives a level of comfort, and embeds a level of alertness everyday, never to be taken for granted.
- There has been no negative impact. I open those scans every time, in anticipation of good news but realizing there well could be news of another kind. What I am as confident as possible about, is that, if there were an issue, Lookout would have been there to see it, and take the appropriate actions.
- In the earlier days of cybersecurity, one would have had to hire an entire team of cyber experts or outsource it to a managed cybersecurity company at a cost that might have prohibited business. Lookout has made is easier for us all to stay compliant, aware and grow.
- Symantec Advanced Threat Protection and Symantec Norton (SMB)
They were all good in their day, but then they evolved into "we do everything" mode. We prefer the technical horsepower of purpose-built solutions where the problem is compelling, which mobile/app cybersecurity is. Otherwise, discovery of a source issue, cost and complexity that comes inherently in "we do everything" offerings is exponentially less effective.