HIPAA Compliance Software


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QliqCHAT HIPAA-Compliant Messaging

QliqCHAT HIPAA-Compliant Messaging is a real-time, secure healthcare communication platform that connects every care team member and facilitates effective, patient-focused collaboration. It is used to securely bridge the communication and collaboration gap between doctors, nurses,…

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Keragon is a HIPAA-compliant healthcare integration and automation platform intended to simplify and automate healthcare workflows. The company allows healthcare organizations to connect their disparate systems and automate common tasks, such as appointment scheduling, patient intake…

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iPlum is a mobile first solution for business professionals. Businesses can get a separate line with phone system features for their users. iPlum works on their existing smartphone for calling & secure texting without changing carriers. It is simple to use, backed with enterprise…

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Learn More About HIPAA Compliance Software

What is HIPAA Compliance Software?

HIPAA compliance software is designed to assist organizations in maintaining compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations. This software is typically used by healthcare providers, insurance companies, business associates, and other entities that handle protected health information (PHI).

The primary goal of HIPAA compliance software is to ensure that organizations are following the necessary privacy and security measures required by HIPAA. It helps organizations create policies and procedures, conduct risk assessments, train employees on HIPAA requirements, monitor compliance activities, and maintain documentation.

HIPAA compliance software has similar functionality to compliance solutions for other industries such as tax and HR compliance, or governance. Mental health software also typically offers HIPAA compliance capabilities, with a focus on the needs of mental and behavioral health practitioners. While there may be some overlap between these categories, HIPAA compliance software is primarily focused on addressing requirements outlined by HIPAA.

HIPAA Compliance Software Features

Most HIPAA compliance software has the following features:

  • Documentation Management: Allows users to create, store, and manage various types of documents required for HIPAA compliance such as policies, procedures, training materials, and risk assessment reports.
  • Risk Assessment Tools: Helps conduct comprehensive risk assessments of systems handling PHI and identifies potential vulnerabilities or risks.
  • Employee Training: Provide online training modules or resources for employees to educate them about their responsibilities under HIPAA regulations.
  • Incident Reporting: Enables users to report any incidents or breaches involving PHI within the organization so that appropriate action can be taken promptly.
  • Auditing & Monitoring: Monitors user activity within the system or network infrastructure for suspicious behavior or non-compliance with security policies.
  • Business Associate Management: Helps track interactions with external vendors or partners who have access to PHI in order to ensure they are also compliant with HIPAA regulations.
  • Data Encryption & Security Measures: Ensures that data at rest and in transit is properly encrypted according to industry standards defined under HIPAA.
  • Access Controls & Permissions: Manages user permissions within the system, limiting access to PHI based on roles and responsibilities.
  • Compliance Reporting: Generates reports or dashboards that summarize an organization's compliance status and any areas of concern.


Customizability: Determine if the software allows customization to fit your organization's specific needs in terms of policies, procedures, risk assessments, and other processes defined by HIPAA.

Integration Capabilities: Assess whether the software can integrate with other systems or applications your organization uses, such as electronic health record (EHR) systems or practice management software.

Scalability: Consider whether the software can accommodate future growth in terms of user count and data volume without additional complexity or significant costs.

Support & Training Resources: Evaluate the level of customer support provided by the vendor, including training materials, helpdesk availability, and ongoing updates to address changing regulations.

Pricing Information

Pricing for HIPAA compliance software can vary widely depending on factors such as the size of an organization and its specific requirements. Many vendors do not display pricing publicly and provide custom quotes tailored to individual organizations' needs.

Basic plans may start as low as $30 per month. Single-location healthcare organizations can range from $4,000 to $12,000. More expensive plans often include additional features such as advanced reporting capabilities, dedicated account managers or consultants, higher levels of technical support, and integration options with other systems/use cases beyond basic HIPAA compliance. The highest-ranging HIPPA compliance software includes these features, along with the option for multiple locations, for prices that can range from $12,000 - $78,000/year.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does HIPAA compliance software do?

HIPAA compliance software helps organizations maintain compliance with regulations established by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

What are the benefits of using HIPAA compliance software?

The major benefits of using HIPAA compliance software include saving time by streamlining compliance processes, reducing the risk of costly fines or penalties for non-compliance, improving security measures to protect sensitive patient information from breaches or unauthorized access, ensuring consistent adherence to HIPAA regulations across the organization, and providing documentation for audits or inspections.

How much does HIPAA compliance software cost?

HIPAA compliance software prices vary based on organizational size and requirements, with vendors often offering personalized quotes instead of fixed public plans. Higher-cost plans encompass advanced features, like enhanced reporting, dedicated support, and multi-location options, ranging from $4,000 to $12,000 per year for single-location healthcare organizations and $12,000 to $78,000 per year for multi-location companies.