Digital Experience Intelligence Platforms

Best Digital Experience Intelligence Platforms include:

Fullstory, Contentsquare, Quantum Metric, Glassbox and Auryc.

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Smartlook is an analytics solution tool for websites, iOS/Android apps, and various app frameworks, that answers the "whys" behind users' actions. It helps users understand precisely how customers interact with website and app — watch recordings, create heatmaps, use automatic tracked…


Hotjar is a conversion rate optimization tool for digital marketers. Features include heatmapping, visual session recording, conversion funnel analytics, form analytics, feedback polls and surveys, and usability testing. The tool is used by digital analysts, UX designers, web developers…


Fullstory’s behavioral data platform helps technology leaders make better, more informed decisions by injecting digital behavioral data into their analytics stack. The technology's behavioral data transforms digital visit into actionable insights.

Quantum Metric

Quantum Metric is designed to help organizations build better digital products faster. Their platform for Continuous Product Design gives business and IT teams a single version of truth which the vendor describes as fast, quantified, and grounded on what customers actually experience.…


Glassbox helps organizations make their customer’s digital experience intuitive and safe. It does this by capturing activity on mobile apps and websites and visualizing a holistic journey map. Using embedded AI Glassbox points to where CX is being compromised, the reasons behind…


Contentsquare is a digital experience analytics cloud designed to help companies understand hidden customer behaviors, and use those insights to drive more successful experiences. It includes functionality from the former Clicktale heatmap, session recording, and A/B testing tool…


ObservePoint’s Web Governance platform automates website scans, from the highest traffic pages and user paths to the dark corners of a company’s web presence. The software provides the ability to see what’s performing below acceptable standards, trace it back to the source, and…

Acoustic Tealeaf

Acoustic Tealeaf (formerly Acoustic Experience Analytics and before that IBM Tealeaf; Acoustic has restored the former branding), is an AI powered application providing site visitor session recording and replay, anomaly detection, and struggle analytics.


Auryc in Los Altos offers their visual intelligence platform to help organizations create exceptional customer journeys and increase revenue.

Medallia Digital Experience Analytics

Medallia Digital Experience Analytics (formerly Decibel Insight) is a heat mapping and web analytics solution. The solution provides visibility into every user's experience to identify the biggest opportunities for growth. Automatically scoring every experience, Medallia DXA is designed…


UserReplay, from UK-headquartered software company User Replay with offices in France and the US, offers a customer experience management tool dedicated to usability testing of websites, web forms, and web applications.


Modern Frontend Monitoring and Product Analytics LogRocket combines session replay, performance monitoring, and product analytics, to enable software teams to create the ideal product experience.

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Vyopta is a unified communications monitoring product that promises to monitor and improve the performance of enterprise collaboration networks.

Learn More About Digital Experience Intelligence Platforms

What are Digital Experience Intelligence Platforms?

Digital experience intelligence (DXI) platforms are an emerging type of technology that is focused on delivering in-depth analytics and insights around web visitor’s and mobile application user’s digital experiences. DXI products may also be called digital experience analytics tools or experience intelligence platforms.

At a basic level, DXI platforms track and record how web visitors behave and interact with a website or mobile application. For example, these tools record where users are navigating on the website, where they click, where they don’t click, which conversion funnels they enter, etc.

They also provide advanced segmentation tools that allow businesses to segment their online users to better understand why certain audience segments convert better than others. The analytics and insights these platforms produce help product managers and customer experience teams diagnose pain points in their end-user’s journeys. They can help identify points of friction on the website or mobile app, high and low-performing funnels, and specific user journeys.

Ultimately, DXI platforms help businesses understand how to create a better digital experience for the end-user.

Digital experience intelligence tools are also closely related to other types of analytics tools:

In fact, many DXI platforms encompass many of the analytics capabilities above. In this sense, digital experience intelligence is more of an umbrella software category that brings together multiple types of analytics to provide a detailed picture of a user’s digital experience.

Digital Experience Intelligence Platform Features

Most digital experience intelligence platforms will include the features:

  • Customer Experience Management
    • Product usage analytics
    • Customer experience profiles
    • Customer experience dashboard
    • Customer journey mapping
    • AI-powered recommendations
    • Multichannel customer feedback collection
  • Results and Analysis
    • Heatmap tool
    • Click analytics
    • Scroll maps
    • Form fill analysis
    • Conversion tracking
    • Goal tracking
    • Funnel analysis
    • Session recording and replay
    • User segmentation
  • Mobile Capabilities
    • Responsive Design for Web Access
    • Mobile Application
    • Dashboard/Report/Visualization Interactivity on Mobile
    • Mobile App Analytics
  • Security and Administration
    • Platform single sign-on (SSO)
    • Secure web hosting
    • Audit logs

Digital Experience Intelligence Platform Comparison

Before deciding to invest in a DXI tool, consider the following key points:

  1. Scope of the tool: Digital experience intelligence platforms, by nature, encompass multiple other types of analytics tools. So before purchasing a DXI platform, ask yourself if your business needs a comprehensive DXI suite, or only a subset of analytics capabilities (e.g. web analytics or product analytics). DXI tools may be more expensive than another tool that focuses on a specific type of analytics.
  2. Integrations: The DXI tool you invest in must integrate smoothly with the other analytics and testing tools in your tech stack. A key part of understanding your users’ digital experience journey is tracking their movements and touchpoints end-to-end. There’s likely valuable data sitting in other systems you’ll want to push into the digital experience intelligence platform you purchase.

Pricing Information

Most DXI vendors do not share pricing information on their website and instead require interested buyers to ask for a quote.

Some products offer a free trial of their software, which can last between 7-14 days. Certain vendors also offer a free version of their platform, though these often have limited functionality.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What do digital experience intelligence platforms do?

Digital experience intelligence (DXI) platforms help businesses track, analyze, and understand how users are behaving on their website or mobile application. This helps identify things like points of friction on your website, which funnels are converting best, and which audience segments are the most active on your website or mobile app.

What are the benefits of using a digital experience intelligence platform?

The biggest benefit of using a DXI tool is the ability to better understand how your users and customers are experiencing your website or mobile app. It helps answer questions like: are users finding what they’re looking for? Why aren’t users taking an action I want them to take? Where are users getting frustrated with my website or mobile app?

Ultimately, product and customer experience teams can leverage these types of platforms to help build a better, more customer-centric digital experience.

What are the best digital experience intelligence tools?

Some of the most popular digital experience intelligence tools include: