Deception Technology Software

Best Deception Technology Software include:

Zscaler Deception, Morphisec, FortiDeceptor, Attivo BOTsink, CounterCraft, CyberTrap, PacketViper, and Smokescreen IllusionBlack, from Zscaler.

All Products

(1-25 of 26)

Symantec Endpoint Security

Symantec Endpoint Protection is the company's flagship antivirus / endpoint security product.

Rapid7 InsightIDR

In addition to their incident response service, Rapid7 offers InsightIDR, a combined XDR and SIEM that provides user behavior and threat analytics.

Cynet 360

New York based Cynet offers their XDR platform Cynet 360, which monitors endpoints and networks, correlates and analyzes suspicious behavior, and provides automated remedial protection and manual remediation guidance to contain and eliminate cyber attackers.


Morphisec, headquartered in Boston, provides advanced security solutions for midsize to small enterprises around the globe. They aim to simplify security and can automatically block modern attacks from the endpoint to the cloud. Contrasted with security solutions that rely on human…

Zscaler Deception

Zscaler Deption is a solution designed to detect sophisticated threats that bypass traditional defenses with the world's only zero trust platform with integrated deception capabilities.

Acalvio ShadowPlex

Acalvio, headquartered in Santa Clara, invented breakthrough Deception Technology, based on 25+ issued patents, and integrated it with advanced AI to provide an autonomous deception solution, Acalvio ShadowPlex, designed to reduce attacker dwell time by early detection of advanced…


FortiDeceptor is a deception-based breach protection that helps users deceive, expose and eliminate external and internal threats.


CyberTrap, headquartered in Vienna, offers their eponymous security software solution, a deception-as-a-service, that provides protection for enterprises against targeted attacks and cyber crime.

Attivo BOTsink

As a network-based threat detection solution, Attivo BOTsink stands guard inside the business network, using high-interaction deception and decoy technology to lure attackers into engaging and revealing themselves. Through misdirection of the attack, the vendor states organizations…


CounterCraft, headquartered in New York, helps organizations to strengthen their security posture with the CounterCraft Cyber Deception Platform, that fits into existing security strategies and delivers high-end deception for threat hunting and threat detection using controlled, credible…

Minerva Labs Ransomware Prevention Platform

Minerva Labs, headquartered in Petah Tikva, Israel, supports endpoint security by introducing new and different approaches to stopping threats that other tools may miss, regardless of the size of the user's team, their skillset, or their toolset. It is an endpoint threat prevention…

Akamai Guardicore Segmentation

Guardicore is a segmentation company, now part of Akamai since the late 2021 acquisition, aiming to displace legacy firewalls. The Guardiocre software-only approach is decoupled from the physical network to provide a faster alternative to firewalls. It is built for the agile enterprise…

13 is a cybersecurity deception-technology platform from the company of the same name in London, designed to help businesses identify previously undetected data leakage incidents, to reduce incident cost. It does this by seeding trackable data records into customers’ systems,…

LMNTRIX Active Defense

The LMNTRIX Active Defense is a validated and integrated threat detection and response architecture that hunts down and eliminates the advanced and unknown threats that routinely bypass perimeter controls. Their cyberarsenal includes a combination of technology, security intelligence,…

illuria ProfilerX

Illuria, headquartered in Yerevan, offers Active Cyber Deception, and protects critical systems by always being one step ahead of the attackers. Through custom decoys, Illuria aims to solve the challenges of deception by accurately detecting threats, systematically deceiving attackers,…

Fidelis Elevate

Fidelis Elevate XDR automatically validates, correlates, and consolidates network detection alerts against every Fidelis managed endpoint in an environment. The vendor states users will minimize false positives and shift from clues to conclusions respond to the alerts that matter…

R6 Phoenix
0 reviews

Phoenix Automated Moving Target Defense (AMTD) Operator is a solution to fortify infrastructure against evolving threats. Designed to empower DevOps engineers and security professionals, this open-source operator brings automated, adaptive defenses to Kubernetes clusters, endpoints,…

0 reviews

NexiTech specializes in storage networking solutions and advanced cyber security techniques for actively defending against cyber threats to critical data storage resources. NexiTech products have been deployed in military aircraft mission planning environments for the purpose of…

0 reviews

Secure remote access designed for both OT and IT. Dispel enables users to deploy an entire Moving Target Defense network with just two clicks, to protect critical infrastructure and speed up remote access at the same time. That way, even if hundreds of users access these systems…

Hopr Connect
0 reviews

Hopr’s cloud native AMTD platform, a software as a service (SaaS) solution that rotates the identity and secret credentials of containerized workloads at a high frequency to prevent credential theft and wide range of man in the middle (MITM) attacks on application endpoints. The…

RunSafe Security

Illusive Shadow

Illusive Networks, headquartered in Tel Aviv, offers the Illusive Shadow, an agentless, undetectable deception technology that creates a hostile environment for attackers, stopping lateral movement and access to critical assets.

0 reviews

Cryptonite’s security platform CryptoniteNXT" establishes a Zero Trust protected environment by implementing an active defense that eliminates full categories of the most common tactics used by adversaries and malicious code.

0 reviews

PacketViper, headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA, provides cybersecurity solutions for IT and OT networks. PacketViper aims to be the market-leading provider of cyber-physical security solutions for the millions of distributed (OT) endpoints such as pump stations, wellhead, and motors…

Lupovis Snare
0 reviews

Snare is a Deception as a Service (DaaS) solution offered by Lupovis. It goes beyond traditional cybersecurity measures by strategically deploying sensors and traps within 10 minutes to actively lure attackers away from valuable assets. Sensors are deployed inside and outside…

Learn More About Deception Technology Software

What is Deception Technology Software?

Deception technology software are misdirection tools that create decoys, dummy proxies, honeypots, and other lures to engage potential threats and address them directly. These lures emulate systems, assets, or vulnerabilities so that threat resources are wasted and attackers are identified. Once identified as a threat, Deception Technology Software will quickly adjust security posture dynamically and alert security teams directly. Deception Technology Software can create lures based on servers, networks, hardware, software, or applications, among many other sources.

Deception technology software is an immensely powerful security tool. Because these products are designed to simulate system vulnerabilities, they also provide viable means to create general network vulnerability maps that can be used by security teams and other security software. Additionally, the deception tools can provide insight into threat trends and behaviors that your business is most likely to experience. For these reasons, Deception Technology Software can help reduce workloads for security teams by proactively identifying and addressing threats.

Deception technology software can be seen as a complement to Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR) Tools. Deception tools can provide a way to identify threats, provoke and analyze bad actors, and provide insight into effective response patterns that SOAR can then implement into their security efforts. That said, Deception Technology Software isn’t as flexible in addressing vulnerability concerns as SOAR Tools, so they shouldn’t be considered a functional alternative to more robust security measures.

Deception Technology Software Features

The most common deception technology software features are:

  • Recon and lateral movement detection
  • Decoy generation and deployment
  • Custom alert management
  • Incident response automation
  • Map detection events
  • MITRE ATT&CK matrix support
  • Custom analysis categories and subcategories
  • Custom response protocols
  • Fault tolerance and root cause analysis
  • Third party alert and data exportation
  • Credential reuse detection
  • User access control
  • Log file analysis
  • Network segmentation
  • Network and endpoint monitoring
  • Anomaly detention
  • Threat intel generation and reporting
  • Static file analysis
  • False positive detection consensus
  • Security event elevation
  • Security scalability
  • Threat definition exportation and importation

Deception Technology Software Comparison

When choosing the best deception technology software for you, consider the following:

Low vs. High Interaction Deception. There are two broad categories of deception technology. Low interaction deception technology grants actors a limited ability to interact with the decoys. These options are easier to employ, but human actors can quickly determine the deceptive nature and avoid the lure. High interaction deception, in contrast, are entire systems or applications built with the intention of observing attacker behavior and creating dynamic response strategies. These are more cost-, time-, and resource-intensive to deploy, but they are significantly more effective.

Automated response vs. security teams. Deception Technology Software can help reduce security team labor by providing AI- or machine learning-driven responses to behavior analysis and risk diversion techniques. However, when a human attacker is directly involved, security operations become much more complicated, as automated responses may not detect novel human behavior. For these reasons, it is recommended that both Deception Technology Software and dedicated security teams are used to provide the broadest range of protection, although this option is quite costly to use and may be out of the economic reach of smaller businesses.

Core vs. peripheral defense. Deception Technology Software can deploy decoys to the periphery (i.e. access sources, such as endpoints) and core (i.e. internal systems, such as software architecture) of a system. Generally speaking, a Deception Technology Software product specializes in either periphery or core defense, which entails many considerations for your business. Periphery deception tends to be easier to deploy, but they are generally less effective for more advanced threats. Conversely, core decoys can be powerful, but complicated to use. Some vendors offer dual core and periphery deception tools, but these are some of the more expensive and experience-dependent options.

Legacy support. As time passes, Deception Technology Software will develop more sophisticated defense protocols for your assets. However, with regards to legacy versions, historical data, or systems and architecture present before the introduction of the deception product. Make sure that your Deception Technology Software can address threats to these systems as well, as they may not be able to readily identify their vulnerabilities or weaknesses without significant priming. The product vendor can help you to determine if and how deception technology can be used to defend these assets.

Pricing Information

Deception technology software vendors offer free plans of their services, usually with limitations on the number of assets protected, number of decoys used, number of alerts managed, or other similar feature restrictions. Paid plans can range between $500 and $2000 per month at the lowest subscription prices. Free trials and demos for paid plans are available.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does deception technology software do?

Deception Technology Software uses decoys to coax security threats into engaging. This allows insight into attacker behavior and sourcing, as well as provide informed preventive security measures for future threats.

What are the benefits of using deception technology software?

Deception technology software provides thorough visibility into and responses to the vulnerabilities of a network or system. They can quickly identify notable weaknesses, engage potential threats, provide defense strategies, and assist security teams in their own responses.

How much does deception technology software cost?

There are several free but limited Deception Technology Software plans. Paid services vary between $500 and $2000 per month. Free trials and demos for paid products are available.