Complex Event Processing Software

Best Complex Event Processing Software include:

TIBCO BusinessEvents, Sybase Event Stream Processor (discontinued), Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK), Apache Pulsar, Microsoft SQL Server StreamInsight, Informatica RulePoint and Astra Streaming.

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(1-24 of 24)

Spotfire Streaming

The Spotfire Streaming (formerly TIBCO Streaming or StreamBase) platform is a high-performance system for rapidly building applications that analyze and act on real-time streaming data. Using Spotfire Streaming, users can rapidly build real-time systems and deploy them at a fraction…

IBM Event Streams

IBM Event Streams is a high-throughput, fault-tolerant, event streaming solution. Powered by Apache Kafka, it provides access to enterprise data through event streams, enabling businesses to unlock insights from historical data, and identify and take action on situations in real…

TIBCO BusinessEvents

Enterprises are surrounded by hundreds of thousands of events that occur continuously. Hidden amongst them can be stalled business processes, opportunities for value creation, potential fraud, dissatisfied customers, failing equipment, and more. TIBCO BusinessEvents® proactively…

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Oracle SOA Suite

The rapid adoption of cloud-based applications by the enterprise, combined with organizations’ desire to integrate applications with mobile technologies, is dramatically increasing application integration complexity. Oracle SOA Suite 12c, the latest version of the company's unified…

IBM Decision Manager Open Edition

IBM Decision Manager Open Edition (formerly Red Hat Decision Manager) is a business rules management and CEP option. Announced in 2022, the product is transitioning to IBM.


The Aerospike Real-time Data Platform aims to enable organizations to act instantly across billions of transactions while reducing server footprint up to 80%. The vendor states Aerospike multi-cloud platform powers real-time applications with predictable sub-millisecond performance…


Confluent Cloud is a cloud-native service for Apache Kafka used to connect and process data in real time with a fully managed data streaming platform. Confluent Platform is the self-managed version.

Astra Streaming

DataStax Astra Streaming is a fully-managed event streaming service powered by Apache Pulsar that was built to scale. Astra Streaming has been built to run in the cloud of your choice, including (GCP, AWS, Microsoft Azure) without sacrificing open-source compatibility.

WSO2 Enterprise Integrator

WSO2 Enterprise Integrator (WSO2 EI) is an open-source hybrid integration platform providing graphical and CLI tooling, integration runtimes, and monitoring with a variety of deployment options. The integration runtime engine is capable of playing multiple roles in an enterprise…

AWS Data Pipeline

AWS Data Pipeline is a web service used to process and move data between different AWS compute and storage services, as well as on-premises data sources, at specified intervals. With AWS Data Pipeline, users can regularly access data where it’s stored, transform and process it at…

Sybase Event Stream Processor (discontinued)

Base on the former Aleri product, Sybase Event Stream Processor, from SAP, is currently discontinued and no longer supported, or available for sale.

Apache Flink

Apache Flink is a framework and distributed processing engine for stateful computations over unbounded and bounded data streams. Flink has been designed to run in all common cluster environments, perform computations at in-memory speed and at any scale. And FlinkCEP is the Complex…

Esper Enterprise Edition

Esper Enterprise Edition is an enterprise ready, complex event and streaming analytics processing platform.

Axon Server
0 reviews

Axon Server is a specialized Event Store and message delivery system. It offers scalability and throughput characteristics without requiring complex tuning. Axon Server is designed to perform service discovery and message routing with almost zero configuration. It comes in two…

DataStax Luna Streaming

Luna Streaming consists of a free, production-ready distribution of Apache Pulsar, tools and optional enterprise-class support. The solution aims to provide peace of mind with live support and expertise from a dedicated staff of engineers who are experts at operating distributed…

Informatica RulePoint

Informatica RulePoint is a general purpose Complex Event Processing server. You can build an application on RulePoint to process large amounts of data in real time, detect anomalies, and take action. Informatica RulePoint provides a programming model to build such applications.

Evam Continuous Intelligence Platform

EVAM is a real-time Continuous Intelligence Platform for customer journey orchestration having real-time data integration and streaming advanced analytics with ML/AI.Evam Continuous Intelligence Platform is deployed in different industries including Telco, Banking, Retail & Loyalty,…

Microsoft SQL Server StreamInsight

Microsoft SQL Server StreamInsight is the company's complex event processing (CEP) platform to help businesses create event-driven applications and derive better insights by correlating event streams from multiple sources, boasting near-zero latency. It can be freely downloaded.

Esper (open source)

Esper is an open source complex event processing (CEP) platform supported by EsperTech in New Jersey.

Apama Community Edition

Apama Streaming Analytics is a platform for streaming analytics and intelligent automated action on fast-moving big data. Combining event processing, messaging, in-memory data management and visualization, this platform is presented as a complete solution to turn relentless data…

0 reviews

StreamNative's event streaming platform, from the company of the same name headquartered in San Francisco, aims to enable companies across the globe to leverage enterprise data as real-time event streams in order to develop and launch new products and services. StreamNative Cloud…

Apache Pulsar
0 reviews

Apache Pulsar is a cloud-native, distributed messaging and streaming platform originally created at Yahoo! and now an Apache Software Foundation project. It is free and open source, available under the Apache License, version 2.0.

Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK)
0 reviews

Amazon MSK is a managed service enabling users to build and run applications that use Apache Kafka to process streaming data. Apache Kafka is an open-source platform for building real-time streaming data pipelines and applications. With Amazon MSK, use native Apache Kafka APIs to…

0 reviews delivers a developer workspace for building & operating real-time applications on any Apache Kafka. By enabling teams to monitor, investigate, secure and deploy on their data platform, organizations can shift their focus to data-driven business outcomes and help engineers…

Learn More About Complex Event Processing Software

What is Complex Event Processing Software?

Complex Event Processing (CEP) software tracks, processes, and analyzes raw data about things that happen (events), then draws possible cause-and-effect conclusions based on the relationship or timing between events. These techniques capture and analyze multiple streams of data to detect trends, events, patterns, opportunities, and threats as they happen, allowing for a quick and efficient response.

For example, a self-driving car may use CEP to determine that an object with a combination of red and white coloring, a hexagonal shape, and placement at intersections would be a stop sign, which then informs the driving systems to control deceleration and certain distance of the object. The CEP software would use this collection of data to help the AI distinguish a stop sign from a yield sign, which has a triangular shape, so it can make the best decision.

CEP software manages and analyzes a large volume of events happening at once. It is useful for stock market trading, health care, predictive maintenance, real-time marketing, AI management, predictive sales analysis, and fraud detection. This is because the essence of CEP is the ability to track, analyze, and store multiple data events to determine opportunities (e.g. developing marketing profile, future stock prices) or threats (e.g. security breaches, operating system issues). Data scientists who detect fraud or manage operational intelligence within these industries would find CEP software useful.

CEP overlaps with real-time interaction management software, operational analytics software, and streaming analytics software in that they all manage, analyze, and store information from data streams. Compared to these, CEP software boasts more robust analytic tools because of its ability to draw conclusions from multiple sources of information, allowing for quicker and more thorough reporting.

Complex Event Processing Software Features

These are the most common features across CEP software products:

  • Activity monitoring
  • End-to-end automation
  • Event-pattern detection
  • Single event processing
  • Event abstraction
  • Event filtering
  • Event aggregation
  • Event transformation
  • Event hierarchy models
  • Event prediction
  • Detecting causal, membership, and timing relationships between events
  • Abstracting event-driven processes
  • Data analysis and reporting
  • Data synthesis
  • Data storage
  • Opportunity and threat detecting, analysis, and reporting

Complex Event Processing Software Comparison

When choosing the best event management software for you, consider these factors:

Processing engine power: The number of data streams and the amount of data therein can take a toll on the processing power needed to run CEP software efficiently. If you anticipate working with a high number of data streams, the larger platforms like Amazon Kinesis and Google Cloud Dataflow use serverless architecture to help ensure smooth, effective, and uninterrupted processing.

Programming language support: One of the most important considerations in selecting CEP software is the programming language(s) they support so they can work with other software or integrations you may be using. For example, Apache Flink only supports Scala and Java, but Apache Spark supports Java, Scala, Python, and SQL.

Low latency support: Some CEP software struggles with low latency, meaning that data stream analysis and event prediction error risk increases if it is dependent on time-sensitive data. Apache Kafka, Apache Flink, and Google Cloud Dataflow are explicit in their support for very low latency.

Open-source or managed software: A large number of CEP software, such as WSO2 Analytics Platform and the Apache collection, are open-source, meaning that they are low-cost or free, and may accommodate more niche concerns such as message delivery semantics. However, this means that the user will most likely need to install, integrate, update, and troubleshoot the software manually, which will require more support from your IT staff. Some CEP vendors, such as Amazon Kinesis, Google Cloud Dataflow, and IBM Streams, manage the software for you. However, their functionality may be limited if you need more specific techniques, their cost can increase substantially if you are working with a large amount of data, and you will not be able to control server uptime.

Pricing Information

CEP software has many free open-source solutions. For enterprises looking for a managed or serverless CEP solution, products can range from $200 to $1900 per month at their lowest cost, with additional costs stemming from the number of data streams processed per hour or per unit. Most paid products offer free trials and custom pricing plans.

More Resources

The following articles may help you will make the best CEP decisions for your business:

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does Complex Event Processing (CEP) software do?

Complex Event Processing (CEP) software collects, analyzes, and stores multiple data streams to create predictive data models. Model predictions are based on causal and timing relationships between multiple events to allow for quickly detecting opportunities and threats.

What are the benefits of using Complex Event Processing (CEP) software?

CEP software provides the ability to handle multiple data streams at once, which allow for robust and through data abstracting, analysis, reporting, and modeling. CEP software also has automated end-to-end opportunity and threat detection, as well as a wide range of open-source and monitored software to meet the costs and scope of your business.

How much does Complex Event Processing (CEP) software cost?

Open-source CEP software has many free and low-cost options. Monitored and serverless CEP solutions range from $200 to $1900 per month, with additional processing costs. Most have free trials and demos.

What are the best Complex Event Processing (CEP) software products?