QlikView® is Qlik®’s original BI offering designed primarily for shared business intelligence reports and data visualizations. It offers guided exploration and discovery, collaborative analytics for sharing insight, and agile development and deployment.
Score 8.4 out of 10
Sisense is a BI software and analytics platform. With what the vendor calls their In-Chip™ and Single Stack™ technologies, users have access to a comprehensive tool to analyze and visualize large, disparate data sets without IT resources.
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On an perpetual license basis, based on server plus number of users.
Contact vendor for pricing.
QlikView, Tableau, and Sisense are all very good BI tools for analysis and reporting. Tableau was better at intuitively matching fields of disparate data and more visually appealing, but I think QlikView is faster. Tableau was also easier for someone to use to build and …
Sisense does very well against most of the tools in the market. We chose this tool because of its great visualizations and easy to deploy procedures. The reports are very easy to generate and distribute them across departments and organization. It provides a great interface to …
Sisense's greatest advantage is its ability to import the data into sisense, perform in-server data modelling, and then create dashboard reports from the modelled data. This takes load off of your production database servers, and leverages sisense's technology for handling huge …
Sisense can crunch loads more data and has consistently better performance than other modern BI tools; It successfully retains the best of the Cube world and also provides the power of modern in-chip visualization engine.
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Chose Sisense
Sisense offered very reasonable enterprise licensing and was eaiser for end users than most other tools that can interface w/ the iSeries.
Few companies worked as hard to gain our business as Sisense - they were committed to getting us a working demo using our actual data to show us it was possible. Sisense isn't the cheapest but it is not the most expensive either by far. The single stack approach [played a role …
Basically, less resource intensive, lower cost and time to production, faster results with less time and fewer headaches while providing incredible service response time.