LT Browser vs. BitBar

ProductRatingMost Used ByProduct SummaryStarting Price
LT Browser
Score 9.5 out of 10
LT Browser allows users to test the mobile view of a website on different screen sizes and resolutions. With over 50+ devices to choose from, LT Browser aims to make mobile website testing easier, and ensure that a website is mobile responsive. Users can create their own custom devices and save it for future uses. Create new mobile, tablet or desktop devices and test a website on various devices, screen resolution and perform screen resolution test for website on different screen…N/A
Score 6.6 out of 10
BitBar allows users to test applications across the latest and most popular real browsers and devices. Users can scale testing by increasing test coverage and decreasing test execution time by running automated tests in parallel across browsers and devices. BitBar integrates with the user's current tech stack or CI/CD pipeline. Key Features: * BitBar offers one cloud for all testing platforms whether it be web, native, or hybrid applications. * Test an application across real…
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LT BrowserBitBar
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Pricing Offerings
LT BrowserBitBar
Free Trial
Free/Freemium Version
Premium Consulting/Integration Services
Entry-level Setup FeeNo setup feeNo setup fee
Additional DetailsUnlimited Access To LT Browser For EveryoneEnterprise packages are available for larger teams and customers.
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Best Alternatives
LT BrowserBitBar
Small Businesses
Score 8.6 out of 10
Score 8.6 out of 10
Medium-sized Companies
Score 8.3 out of 10
Score 8.3 out of 10
Score 8.3 out of 10
Score 8.3 out of 10
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User Ratings
LT BrowserBitBar
Likelihood to Recommend
(10 ratings)
(6 ratings)
User Testimonials
LT BrowserBitBar
Likelihood to Recommend
LambdaTest, Inc.
I think LT Browser is one of the best programs I know to perform performance, usability, and experience tests on websites because it has a wide range of tools for this purpose; in addition, I consider that its price is affordable for professionals or freelancers with little income as well as for large companies that want the best tools, best of all, is that Lamdatest offers a free plan for students and I think LT Browser is also a very good tool for learning. On the other hand, and being quite honest, I can't find scenarios where LT Browser is not suitable in its area of application or what this software is specialized in.
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CrossBrowserTesting is a great tool to use when you have a new page or new content that you want to test on an array of devices/browsers. In the diverse online world nowadays, it is nearly impossible to ensure optimization for every case. CBT allows you to get closer to that goal.
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LambdaTest, Inc.
  • LT Browser is to create, test and debug multiple web and mobile sites.
  • Ideal for finding code errors and share bugs through our favorite project management/bug tracking tools, like Jira, Asana, GitHub, etc.
  • LT Browser works fine, saves a lot of time in testing.
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  • Allows me to test on our development server with ease which is behind a firewall.
  • Using automation for my tests.
  • Screenshots of the problems on each page.
  • Ability to jump between screen sizes quickly.
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LambdaTest, Inc.
  • Geolocation feature is not present
  • We can test on only two devices side by side. It should be more than two.
  • Only 30 minutes access in free plan
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  • Test case support is somewhat limited in customization ability.
  • Not a unique problem to them (or their 'fault'), but content behind VPN or intranet cannot be scanned.
  • Pricing with tier level and features can sometimes be confusing (ie. what is and what is not included).
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Alternatives Considered
LambdaTest, Inc.
One such product that my team eagerly anticipates testing for responsiveness is the LT Browser. The team has discovered that it is a straightforward process to test on the newest mobile devices utilizing the LT Browser. We may start testing our web pages on local systems by simply adding the URL. LT Browser's native developer tools enable us to make modifications to our code right away. It has a pre-installed selection of well-known devices and can operate in simulated mode.
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Selenium: 1. Selenium is Open source tool 2. Needs proper framework development and integration with multiple 3rd party tools 3. Not much secure 4. Needs scripting knowledge for people working on it 5. takes time and effort CrossBrowser Testing: 1. Licensed , so secure 2. Less time , less effort 3. Quick results 4. No scripting language knowledge needed 5. More coverage 6. Without any framework creation also we can test on multiple devices/browsers
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Return on Investment
LambdaTest, Inc.
  • Too many updates. And whenever you update you have to log in again
  • I remember it used to crash one or twice in a week initially. Though it is much less frequent now.
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  • By using CrossBrowserTesting we are saving many hours a week in manual work hours.
  • Our automated Selenium tests run in a fraction of the time it takes to manually test our components, so we can spend more time building great user experiences and less time triaging bugs.
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LT Browser Screenshots

Screenshot of LT Browser Application Main ScreenScreenshot of Select Devices to compare and start testingScreenshot of Create custom device with a desired resolution to test onScreenshot of Scroll Sync to compare your websiteScreenshot of Simulate different network profilesScreenshot of Record videos and share across the team