RegOnline is part of the Cvent Event Cloud, a comprehensive software platform to help you plan, promote, manage and measure your meetings and events. It will be retired December 2019 and from April 2019 new customers will be onboarded to Cvent Event Management.
RegOnline by Cvent (Discontinued)
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RegOnline by Cvent (Discontinued)
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RegOnline by Cvent (Discontinued)
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RegOnline by Cvent (Discontinued)
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Chose RegOnline by Cvent (Discontinued)
We looked at EventBright as well as RegOnline. RegOnline was cheaper and offered more flexibility.
RegOnline is much easier to use than EventsAir, however, EventsAir has a lot more functions to offer although they are hard to figure out and their support is terrible. I would choose RegOnline over EventsAir because it is much easier to use and set up. It's reporting functions …
The Department also uses RegFox for training events as well as conferences. One of the main reasons they use RegFox is because of the price, it only charges $0.99 per registration whereas RegOnline charges $3.55 per registration. Because we are a state agency, that can make a …
Since our university did not have any other recommendations, our department only considered RegOnline for use. We chose not to use something simpler for just payments (such as Paypal) as our university said that they would not be able to determine which department the funds …