Caffe Deep Learning Framework vs. Nuance Dragon Speech Recognition

ProductRatingMost Used ByProduct SummaryStarting Price
Caffe Deep Learning Framework
Score 7.0 out of 10
Caffe is a deep learning framework made with expression, speed, and modularity in mind. It is developed by Berkeley AI Research and by community contributors.N/A
Dragon Speech Recognition
Score 9.0 out of 10
Nuance's Dragon Speech Recognition suite are applications for lawyers, medical practitioners, and other professionals, allowing them to dictate and record notes (according to the vendor) faster than typing, accurately.
per month
Caffe Deep Learning FrameworkNuance Dragon Speech Recognition
Editions & Modules
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Dragon Anywhere
per month
Dragon Professional Individual, v15
per license
Dragon Legal Individual, v15
per license
Dragon Professional Anywhere
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Dragon Legal Anywhere
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Dragon Law Enforcement
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Pricing Offerings
Caffe Deep Learning FrameworkDragon Speech Recognition
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Caffe Deep Learning FrameworkNuance Dragon Speech Recognition
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Best Alternatives
Caffe Deep Learning FrameworkNuance Dragon Speech Recognition
Small Businesses
Jupyter Notebook
Jupyter Notebook
Score 9.1 out of 10
RingCentral Contact Center
RingCentral Contact Center
Score 7.9 out of 10
Medium-sized Companies
Score 9.8 out of 10
Zoom Contact Center
Zoom Contact Center
Score 8.9 out of 10
Score 9.8 out of 10
Verint Speech and Text Analytics
Verint Speech and Text Analytics
Score 8.4 out of 10
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User Ratings
Caffe Deep Learning FrameworkNuance Dragon Speech Recognition
Likelihood to Recommend
(1 ratings)
(7 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(1 ratings)
Support Rating
(0 ratings)
(2 ratings)
User Testimonials
Caffe Deep Learning FrameworkNuance Dragon Speech Recognition
Likelihood to Recommend
Open Source
Caffe is only appropriate for some new beginners who don't want to write any lines of code, just want to use existing models for image recognition, or have some taste of the so-called Deep Learning.
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My job requires that I produce lengthy and detailed minutes of meetings and Nuance Dragon Speech Recognition is absolutely ideally suited for this purpose. Notably, meetings are recorded and it is extremely easy to playback the recording of meetings while dictating notes. This is a remarkable saving in time and effort in producing minutes that might otherwise take a few days. I cannot think of any scenario where it would be less appropriate to use Nuance Dragon Speech Recognition other than in a situation where it is not possible to dictate for whatever reason.
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Open Source
  • Caffe is good for traditional image-based CNN as this was its original purpose.
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  • The main advantage is that it calibrates itself around your tone and accent.
  • Integration with many apps and operative system is good.
  • Integrating custom words and acronyms is very easy, so, over time, recognition becomes very precise and customized.
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Open Source
  • Caffe's model definition - static configuration files are really painful. Maintaining big configuration files with so many parameters and details of many layers can be a really challenging task.
  • Besides imagine and vision (CNN), Caffe also gradually adds some other NN architecture support. It doesn't play well in a recurrent domain, so we have to say variety is a problem.
  • Caffe's deployment for production is not easy. The community support and project development all mean it is almost fading out of the market.
  • The learning curve is quite steep. Although TensorFlow's is not easy to master either, the reward for Caffe is much less than the TensorFlow can offer.
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  • Word recognition can always improve.
  • Sometimes puts stray words or characters on the page if you forget to tell the microphone to go to sleep.
  • Adds non-spoken words for no reason if there is a delay in speaking.
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Likelihood to Renew
Open Source
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  • Nuance Dragon Speech Recognition is not up to par with any of the other AI voice recognition technologies currently available
  • The software is also very buggy and crashes frequently
  • Punctuation also seems like an afterthought for Nuance Dragon Speech Recognition software--requiring the user to speak out each comma, period, etc.
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Open Source
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Once you learn the product, it is quite easy to use.
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Support Rating
Open Source
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One of the worst companies in terms of customer service getting the download file because of a laptop upgrade took me months of work. No jokes.
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Alternatives Considered
Open Source
TensorFlow is kind of low-level API most suited for those developers who like to control the details, while Keras provides some kind of high-level API for those users who want to boost their project or experiment by reusing most of the existing architecture or models and the accumulated best practice. However, Caffe isn't like either of them so the position for the user is kind of embarrassing.
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Other than the more recent speech recognition tools from Microsoft, Google, etc., I have always used Nuance Dragon Speech Recognition. I was introduced to AI technology on an appraisal assignment. During the engagement, I had an opportunity to learn about the technology, and when I researched speech recognition software, the best reviews were of Nuance Dragon Speech Recognition. I purchased Nuance Dragon Speech Recognition and have stayed with the product.
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Return on Investment
Open Source
  • Since we stopped using Caffe before it can reach the production phase, there is no clear ROI that can be defined.
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  • Nuance Dragon Speech Recognition has made it easier to dictate progress notes
  • Nuance Dragon Speech Recognition has made seeing patients more efficient
  • Nuance Dragon Speech Recognition was a little expensive for our smaller practice
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