Our AI software and experienced analysts work tirelessly, 24/7, to detect and remove IP infringements worldwide automatically. Whether you are affected by brand abuse, counterfeits, product piracy, or trademark misuse, we've got you covered.

Our comprehensive services include anti-counterfeiting, anti-piracy, global investigations, and test or trap purchases.

  • With our anti-counterfeit solution, we quickly and efficiently detect and remove counterfeit products, protecting your brand from fakes.
  • Our anti-piracy solution ensures your content is safeguarded from online piracy.
  • We conduct global investigations to identify and eliminate key infringers of your brand.
  • We also conduct test purchases to gather conclusive evidence and takedown infringing products and content worldwide.

Rest assured that your sales revenue, brand value, and intellectual property are protected through our automated elimination of online fakes and IP infringements.
