Khoros streamlines Social Media engagements
June 06, 2018

Khoros streamlines Social Media engagements

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

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  • Conversations

Overall Satisfaction with Khoros Marketing (Formerly Spredfast + Lithium)

Khoros is used for moderation in a department, and reporting and publishing across multiple departments.
  • Khoros reporting capabilities have streamlined and improved multiple reporting requirements with an easy-to-use interface and scheduling process. The reports are easily customized and have allowed our teams to quickly perform necessary audits on content.
  • Publishing functionality continues to evolve and improve at pace with social networks. Khoros' reliability is critical to ensuring our business continuity.
  • Khoros' support teams provide unparalleled service. The teams have made an effort to not only know our business model but to understand our team dynamic and the nuances that impact how we work.
  • I'd like to see some user experience tactical function improvements implemented on a quicker timeline - things like having an option to choose a new user to mirror or offering more saved data exports. That said, we have a great technical account manager and information architect who take care of us quickly and seamlessly.
I like where Khoros is going with new features. I gave an 8 for the enthusiastic approach to offering tools we need balanced with a careful, steady pace of growth.
Social Media is a key function of both our marketing strategy and customer care to allow for engaging with customers in the channels they frequent.
Khoros' role is important for publishing and customer care and helps our teams meet organizational goals.
Khoros offers a well balanced approach to sales, support and scalable growth. The products we currently use make the most sense for our social media configuration across our organization.

Khoros is well suited for the following:

  1. An excellent publishing resource that mitigates risks by creating an alternate route to native platform access. Publishing approval workflows ensure due diligence, and the ability to pause all publishing is an efficient way to respond to world events where BAU publishing would not be appropriate.
  2. Providing reporting functionality that supports content audits/verifications as well as measurement of social care teams actions
  3. Customer Care - the social care inbox provides third-party moderation teams the tools required to manage customer comments as well as triage and escalate to internal teams in a streamlined flow through defined automations and labeling
Khoros continues to evolve paid ad functionality but this is an area where we have not found a viable use case.

Khoros Social Media Management Feature Ratings

Boolean keyword searches
Not Rated
Filtering out noise/spam
Not Rated
Sentiment analysis
Not Rated
Broad channel coverage
Content planning and scheduling
Audience targeting
Workflow management
Automated routing and prioritization
Not Rated
Customer interaction histories
Bulk actions
Not Rated
Not Rated
Lead generation
Not Rated
Content marketing
Not Rated
Campaigns and promotions
Not Rated
Campaign success analytics
Not Rated
Real-time tracking
Not Rated
Competitor analysis
Not Rated
Role-based user permissions & privileges
Mobile access

Khoros Marketing (Formerly Spredfast + Lithium) Implementation

I was not part of the initial day-one implementation, however, our recent implementation experiences have become easier with the support of a dedicated team who ensure we are prepared in advance and knowledgeable of upcoming changes. Poppy and Teresa are not only Khoros experts but they are also well-versed in our specific configuration.

Khoros Marketing (Formerly Spredfast + Lithium) Support

Our support team is responsive, patient and realistic in the solutions offered. Poppy and Teresa feel like a part of our team and offer a personalized support model.

Using Khoros Marketing (Formerly Spredfast + Lithium)

2 years ago, this usability rating would have been much lower, however, Khoros has made changes and offerings that have exponentially increased the usability. The analytics feature and publishing updates provide a streamlined, easy user experience.